Viewing the Prediction Results

Display the power results using the dominant path model (DPM).

  1. View the power using the DPM for the base station located on the highest hill.
    1. In the tree, expand Results: Propagation to view the results for the two base stations.
    2. In the tree, expand Highest_45 to view the base station on the highest hill.
    3. In the tree, expand Site 1 Ant 1 to view the result entries.
    4. In the tree, click Power to view the power result.
    5. Right-click on the legend and from the right-click context menu, click Thresholds > Manual.
    6. In the Max field, enter a value of -30 dBm.
    7. In the Min field. enter a value of -120 dBm.
    Figure 1. Power calculated for the base station located at the highest hill - Site 1 Ant 1 using the DPM.

    Note that this antenna has broad coverage over a large area, but not towards the city center. It has no line of sight to the city center; a few lower hills are in the way.
  2. View the power using the DPM for the base station located on a lower hill.
    1. In the tree, expand Results: Propagation to view the results for the two base stations.
    2. In the tree, expand Mediumheight_45 to view the base station on the lower hill.
    3. In the tree, expand Site 2 Ant 1 to view the result entries.
    4. In the tree, click Power to view the power result.
    Figure 2. Power calculated for the base station located on a lower hill - Site 2 Ant 1 using the DPM.

    Note that this antenna has great coverage of the city and poor coverage elsewhere.