Viewing the Clutter Database

View the clutter database to obtain information regarding land usage.

  1. In the tree, expand Database to view the imported databases.
  2. In the tree, click Clutter/Morpho to view the land usage of the hilly terrain.
    Figure 1. Top view of the clutter database.

    Note: The city center is located at the top right, indicated in pink.
  3. Observe the land usage in Figure 1.
    • Upper left of database: medium-density urban and low-density urban
    • Upper right of database: city center and industrial zone
    • Center of database: Forested hills
  4. View the topography database along with the clutter database.
    1. On the Settings menu, click Local Settings (Display of data).
    2. Click the Layout tab.
    3. Select the Topography database (DEM) check box.
      Figure 2. Top view of the clutter database along with the topography.