Modifying the Height of a Building

Change or correct the height of a building

  1. Select a building by clicking on the outline of the building.
    A selected object is indicated in red.
    Figure 1. A selected building is indicated in red. Top view of Frankfurt (on the left) and 3D view (to the right).

  2. Right-click on the selected building and from the right-click context menu, click Properties.
    The Object Properties dialog is displayed.
    Figure 2. The Object Properties dialog.

  3. Verify the building type of the selected building.
    1. Next to Object, click Change Type.
    2. Under Selected Type, verify that Standard Building1 is selected.
      Figure 3. The Wall Type dialog.

    3. Click OK to close the Wall Type dialog.
  4. Under Corners, select a corner and click Edit to modify the height of the building.
    The Enter Coordinates dialog is displayed.
    Figure 4. The Enter Coordinates dialog.

  5. In the Z field, enter a new height for the building.
  6. Click OK to close the Enter Coordinates dialog.
  7. Click OK to close the Object Properties dialog.
The height of the selected building is updated.
Figure 5. The height of the selected building is increased.

1 Other building types also supported are: horizontal plates, courtyards and towers, vegetation block and virtual buildings, see the WinProp User Guide for more information.