Scaling the Imported Aerial Photograph

Scale the image by drawing a line with a known length on the image.

For the imported aerial photograph, we know that a certain building is 20 m wide.
Figure 1. The red arrow indicates the building width of 20 m.

  1. On the Edit menu, click Scale All Objects.
  2. Under Fixpoint, click Center of all Objects.
    Figure 2. The Scale Objects dialog.

  3. Click OK to close the Scale Objects dialog.
    The Please draw a line now... message is displayed.
    Figure 3. A WallMan information dialog is displayed.

  4. Click OK to close the Please draw a line now... message.
  5. Click twice in the X/Y plane to specify the start point of the line.
    Note: A black line is drawn. The end point is indicated with a + at the mouse cursor.
  6. Click again to specify the end point of the line (this is the end point of the red arrow in example2_scale_imported_image_winprop_t.htm#task_jdw_nkl_d3b__fig_hlj_srl_d3b).
    The Scale dialog is displayed.
    Figure 4. The Scale dialog.

  7. In the Enter length of the specified line field, enter a value of 20 m.
  8. Click OK to close the Scale dialog.
    The The entire database will be resized... message is displayed.
    Figure 5. A WallMan information dialog is displayed.

  9. Click Yes on the The entire database will be resized... message to resize the database.
The imported aerial photograph is scaled.