Create a probability-probability plot.
ppplot(X, dist)
ppplot(X, dist, param1, param2, ...)
h = ppplot(...)
[p,y] = ppplot(...)
[h,p,y] = ppplot(...)
- X
- A data sample with which to compare a specified distribution.
- dist
- The name of an assumed distribution for X (default: norm).
- paramX
- The parameters for dist (default: none, for standard normal).
- h
- A handle for the plot.
- p
- The theoretical cumulative probability values on the horizontal axis.
- y
- The cumulative probability values for X on the vertical axis.
Compare a Chi-squared sample with 50 degrees of freedom to the normal distribution with mean 50 and standard deviation 10.
rand('seed', 2023);
n = 100;
data = chi2rnd(50,n,1);
ppplot(data, 'norm', 50, 10);

The function plots the sorted cumulative probabilities of X, assuming dist, on the vertical axis, with a set of perfectly spaced cumulative probabilities on the horizontal axis. The perfectly spaced cumulative probabilities for N points are selected to be ([1:N] - 1/2) / N.
If X has distribution dist then plot is expected to fall on the straight line from (0,0) to (1,1), which is plotted to provide a visual reference.