Import Embed Diagrams
Import Embed diagram models into Twin Activate with the Embed Import tool.
The Embed Import tool supports the .vsm file format.
- Select .
Navigate to the Embed .vsm file that you want to import.
Note the following coverage for a diagram conversion:
- If an Embed block is not supported, the software replaces it with an empty Super Block that includes the Embed block information within the Super Block context.
- If a block is unknown or the diagram contains disconnected blocks, the
software prompts you with warning messages in the command window.
- The Embed Import tool supports Super Blocks that do not contain passwords.
- The Embed Import tool supports diagrams without images. If images are
present in the source model, the software imports the model with
references to the images, but does not display the images.
Supported Embed Blocks
- Annotation
- comment
- Arithmetic
- 1/X
- Boolean
- >
- Extensions
- expression
- Integration
- derivative
- Linear System
- transferFunction
- Matrix Operation
- index
- NonLinear
- case
- Random Generator
- gaussian
- Signal Consumer
- display
- Signal Producer
- button
- Time Delay
- timeDelay
- Transcendental
- acos