Replicate on Axes

Replicate a source object along one to three axes. You can replicate the object along the x-, y-, and z-axes to make a box-like array. You can also apply incremental transformations to each replicated object with respect to the previous one.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Modify tab.
  2. In the Replicate group, click the Replicate on Axes icon.

    In the guide bar, Object is automatically highlighted.
  3. Select the object you'd like to replicate. The source object can be a NURBS curve, NURBS surface, or PolyNURBS surface.
    By default, three copies are created and spaced 1 unit apart along the global z-axis.
  4. Optional: See Step 2 of Edit the Replication Along an Axis.
  5. Optional: See Step 2 of Apply Incremental Transformation.
  6. Optional: To combine the output, select Combined Output.
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Edit the Replication Along an Axis

  1. Double-click the object to enter edit mode.
  2. Modify the replication. Note that modifying the copies, step, and total length is method dependent.
    • Method: Copies/Step (default): You can modify either the number of copies or the step, while keeping the total length constant.
    • Method: Copies/Total Length: You can modify either the number of copies or the total length, while keeping the step constant.
    • Method: Step/Total Length: You can modify either the step or the total length, while keeping the number of copies constant.
    To Do this Note
    Define the number of copies along an axis
    1. In the Control Panel, select Method: Copies/Step or Method: Copies/Total Length.
    2. Do one of the following:
      • In the guide bar, enter the Copies Along Red, Copies Along Green, or Copies Along Blue.
      • In the Control Panel, click the Red, Green, or Blue tab, and then enter the Copies Along Red, Copies Along Green, or Copies Along Blue.
      • In the modeling window, click the straight arrow, and then enter the Copies Along Red, Copies Along Green, or Copies Along Blue.
    Define the step along all axes
    1. In the Control Panel, select Method: Copies/Step or Method: Step/Total Length.
    2. In the guide bar, enter the Global Step.
    The step is the distance between each copy.
    Define the step along a selected axis
    1. In the Control Panel, select Method: Copies/Step or Method: Step/Total Length.
    2. In the Control Panel, click the Red, Green, or Blue tab.
    3. Do one of the following:
      • In the Control Panel, type a Step on Red, Step on Green, or Step on Blue.
      • In the modeling window, click the arrow at the end of the axis, and then type a Step on Red, Step on Green, or Step on Blue.
    Define the direction of an axis In the Control Panel, select a Reference Direction:
    • Global X Axis
    • Global Y Axis
    • Global Z Axis
    • Reference Geometry: In the modeling window, click a reference object.
    • Custom: In the modeling window, drag the Phi Angle and Free Angle arrows, or click one of the arrows and enter an angle. Alternatively, enter the x-, y-, and z-coordinates for the Translational Step.
    • To invert the current direction, click Invert Direction.
    • To reset the direction of the axis, click Reset Axes.
    Define the total length of an axis
    1. In the Control Panel, select Method: Copies/Total Length or Method: Step/Total Length.
    2. Do one of the following:
      • In the modeling window, drag the arrow at the end of the axis, or click the arrow and enter a Total Length.
      • In the Control Panel, enter a Total Length.
    Define the rotational step along an axis
    • In the Control Panel, select Method: Copies/Step or Method: Step/Total Length.
    • In the Control Panel, click the Red, Green, or Blue tab.
    • Type the x-, y-, and z-coordinates for the Rotational Step.
  3. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Apply Incremental Transformations

Transformations are applied to each replicated object with respect to the previous copy.

  1. Double-click the object to enter edit mode.
  2. In the Control Panel, click the Advanced tab.
  3. Define the following options:
    Option Description
    Translation Noise Apply a random effect on translation.
    Rotation Noise Apply a random effect on rotation.
    Scaling Noise Apply a random effect on scaling.
    Noise This parameter affects the sequence of random numbers that determine the noise.
  4. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.