Altair EDEM

Use loads from Altair EDEM in SimSolid analysis.

Export Loads

In Altair EDEM version 2021.1 and newer, you can export loads to a .csv file that can be imported to SimSolid. Export Options are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1.

Import to SimSolid

Import loads from Altair EDEM.

  1. Launch SimSolid.
  2. To analyze the loads, on the Project Tree, select the same geometry specified in the Geometry field of the EDEM export window.
  3. Apply EDEM-generated loads.
    1. Create a structural analysis .
    2. On the Analysis Workbench toolbar, select > Imported forces.
    3. In the window, click Import from CSV.
    4. Select the .csv file generated by EDEM.
    5. Click OK.
  4. Apply other boundary conditions and model settings.
  5. Run the analysis.