
In this section, you will be taking the role of an Orchestrator fulfilling a request from the CAE department.

You receive a statement from the CAE department saying that they are satisfied with the pressure evaluation as it reduced the evaluation time drastically and democratized the solution. They are now asking for a process that performs structural modal analysis and includes a report generation module.
  1. Navigate to File > Preferences > Libraryand define the location of the Library folder as Three Profiles Tutorial/Library.
    Figure 1.
  2. Navigate to the Library tab. You will see the Pulse Modules and User Modules folders, containing the different modules that will be used to construct the process. Pulse modules are generic, meaning that they can be used in multiple processes. User modules contains modules that fulfill very specific tasks.
    Figure 2.
  3. Drag and drop the Optistruct module from the Solvers subfolder library into the blank space on the right.
    Figure 3.
    If you hover over the module ports, you will see the required inputs and the given outputs.
    Figure 4.
    Figure 5.
  4. Click the Run button to execute the module. Do not save the project. As input, select the ModalAnalysis_OS.fem file from Orchestrator tutorial folder.
    Figure 6.
    1. After the module execution completes, right-click on the blank space and select Explore Study Folder.
      Figure 7.
      Generated files are contained in the run_0001 folder.
      Figure 8.
    2. Click the Stop button.
  5. Drag and drop TextView and Report_Post-Processing modules into the process.
    1. Connect the modules to the Optistruct module as follows.
    Figure 9.
  6. Right-click on the TextView module and click Edit Input…
    Figure 10.
    1. Update the input values of the module. Linking between the output of Optistruct and the input of TextView is done automatically since both variables are of the same type.

      The Text File value, =Optistruct_1_outfile, reflects that the input is equal to the output variable outfile of instance 1 of the Optistruct module. The instance number must be specified because multiple modules, in this case Optistruct, could been present in the process. This is called Local Variable Mapping.

      Figure 11.
  7. Drag and drop PowerPoint and Modal_SetUp modules and link them as follows.
    Figure 12.
    1. Right click on the link connecting Modal_SetUp and Optistruct.
      Figure 13.
      This opens the link editor, showing that the Modal_SetUp output is automatically mapped to the Optistruct input via the =Modal_SetUp_3_Modal_solverDeck expression. Other inputs to Optistruct module are also visible.
    Figure 14.
  8. To finish the process, drag and drop the Model_SetUp and HM_Meshing2D modules and connect them as follows.
    Figure 15.
  9. Now that the process is created, save it as a Pulse Project for use by Analysts.
    1. Click File > Save As > Project.
      Figure 16.
    2. Enter a name and click Save As.
      Figure 17.
  10. Optionally, execute the process by clicking Run. The Hull.x_t input file is found in the Orchestrator tutorial folder on your PC.
    Figure 18.
    1. Provide the necessary inputs until the process finishes.