Schematic Design Check-In
Click Schematic Design in the status menu to check in.Click Detailed information to check the detailed information of the PCB specification. But if the project is new, there is nothing.
If there is a detailed information, the information is shown.
ECAD Tool: Display the ECAD tool of the user.
Check-In file type: Select the file type to upload.
Original design data: Upload the original ECAD schematic file.
PollEx: Upload the PollEx Logic file.
Import E-CAD on the PollEx: Importing ECAD file using PollEx and upload.
Remark: The check out information of the design.
Schematic design outputs: The schematic design outputs generated during check in.
Check In: Click Check In to select and upload the schematic design. Depending on the check-in file type, the extension of the file is determined.
You can track the status with the progress bar.