
Check messages from systems such as the results of requests and other requests for your approval, change information of part use, change your designation as the person in charge of the development process, and check the KPIs for the status in Parts Registrations and Design Revisions.


Figure 1.
Table 1.
Show or hide the captions of the main menu When you hide the captions, only icons are displayed, and each caption is shown when the mouse goes above the icon.

Check the operation of UDE Interface

Since the UDE Interface module is included in the PollEx Installation, UDE cannot determine if it is working properly.

Therefore, you can check if this module is working properly through the Translater function in UDE.

Opening URLs directly
  • When a user logs in to UDE and attempts to enter and run a shared UDE URL, the logged in UDE opens a module and runs the URL on another tab in the web browser.
  • We added an icon that allows you to open the URL directly when you log in to UDE, and if you enter the URL in the "URL input field," a shared page opens.
  • The user can enter the shared URL directly from the Web Browser tab, which causes the user to be logged out due to a license issue.
Close all active tabs UDE pages open as tab. When there are many activated tabs, this closes all tabs and returns to Home.
Check notifications sent to me This shows a notifications list of work and displays the number of notifications. The latest five unread messages are shown. Click a message in the list to check the detail page of the message or click View all to open the list of all unread messages.
Unread notifications by notification type:
  • UPMS KPI: KPI of the registered part library by class
  • UDMS KPI: KPI of the revisions by reason
  • UDVS KPI: KPI of the verification run results
Display and set user information, request permissions In this menu, user can change user’s information or request needed permissions. Refer to Edit Account for more information.

File download progress bar in the UDE system