Check messages from systems such as the results of requests and other requests for your approval, change information
of part use, change your designation as the person in charge of the development process, and check the KPIs for the
status in Parts Registrations and Design Revisions.
Check messages from systems such as the results of requests and other requests for your approval, change information
of part use, change your designation as the person in charge of the development process, and check the KPIs for the
status in Parts Registrations and Design Revisions.
Use PollEx UDE Home page widgets to view notifications and
KPI information.
View notifications by type on the Home page.
Check the status of the UPMS library registration, design project revisions, and verification performed during the check in with visualized charts.
Main Menu List
Use the main menu to select the functions of My Page, UPMS, UDMS, UBMS and Management.