Input Setup
Explore DFE+ input setup methods.
Most DFE+ analysis needs rules, target nets, target components, and target circuits. The classified nets, components and circuits are used as target objects of analysis.
There are four main sections in the PollEx DFE+ Design Constraints dialog: Classification, Check Item Category, Input mode change, and the action buttons. There are three subsections within the Classification section: Component Group Type classification, Net Group Type classification, and Circuit Group Type classification.
- Classification section of dialog is used to classify nets, components or circuits to be checked.
- The Image button in the top left change a mode from Input dialog to Individual Setup Entry dialog or vice versa.
- Check Item Category section, PollEx DFE+ analyze those items with the checkbox marked with .
- Save: Save current rule status and values into a DFE+ input file using default name.
- Save As: Save current rule status and values into a DFE+ input file using arbitrary name.
- Load: Load a saved DFE+ input file that has a file name extension .DFEPI.
- Net’s Input Setting: Shows each Component and Net used for each Item and belonging components of all Component/Net Group. You can print this result in Excel format.
- Start Checking: After finishing set up input file, click Start Checking to start analysis.
- Close: Close PollEx DFE+ Design Constraints dialog.