What are Key pset Solver Variables?

Here is a list of most commonly used pset variables. These are very helpful variables and come in handy in modifying the solver deck and rerunning with different parameters syntex to use pset variables.
  • pset variables are defined in *.hhx file
  • Here is one example of pset variable
    • pset <variable name> <variable value>
    • e.g. pset ExtrusionType DirectExtrusion
Title Variable Notes Default Values
1 Strain rate limits pset MinStrainRate 0.0001

pset MaxStrainRate 1000

These variables controls limits for min and max strain rate computation pset MinStrain Rate 0.0001

pset MaxstrainRate 1000

2 Seam weld computation pset WeldSurface Traicking on

pset WeldChamberLocation 102.5

  • This flag is specified for hollow shape extrusion where billet material is divided in to different ports and they merge again in weld chamber. Unless this variable is defined in .hx file, seam weld surface and strength will not be computed and written in H3D file.
  • WeldChamber Location should be Z coordinate should be 2 to 5 mm after weldchamber start in model
  • e.g. if weld chamber solid Z min is 100 mm then use value of 102.5 mm
pset WeldSurface Traicking on

pset WeldChamberLocation 0.0

3 Free SUrface pset calcFreeSurface yes To compute profile deformation, you must set free surfaces computation to yes pset CalcFreeSurface no
4 Approach -2:

pset FreeSurfaceRelaxationParameter 0.25

Approach -2:

pset FreeSurfaceRelax_X 0.25

pset FreeSurfaceRelax_Y 0.25

pset FreeSurfaceRelax_Z 0.25

Approach -1

If you want to control deformation in non extrusion direction uniformly. Command to specify free surface relaxation factor. Default = 0.24. This command will set factor for all non extrusion direction.

Approach -2

If you ant to control deformation in non extrusion direction more precisely then use following command. Command to specify free surface relaxation factor for each axis, default = 0.25.
Note: Relaxation factor for extrusion direction will be ignored. e.g. If extrusion direction is Z and you specify FreeSurfaceRelax_Z value in HX, then its value will be ignored in solver. Only non extrusion direction factor will be considered.