- Video Tutorial: Getting Started with Sketching
Learn how to define the sketch plane, create a fully defined sketch, add dimensions, and modify constraints.
- Video Tutorial: Creating a Parametric Part
Sketch a simple parametric part using variables and dimensions.
- Video Tutorial: Construction History Basics
Learn how to use construction history to edit and suppress construction features in the history timeline.
- Video Tutorial: Creating a Parametric Bracket
Generate multiple sketches to create a parametric bracket with recessed areas using the Offset, Push/Pull, and Boolean tools, and using a construction line as a reference. You will also assign dimensions and create variables.
- Video Tutorial: Using Construction Geometry
Learn how to use constraints and construction geometry to create more sophisticated sketches. In this example, you'll build a tapering arm for a clamp around a reference centerline, paramaterizing the sketch in terms of the construction lines.
- Tutorial: Simplifying Geometry
Learn how to find and remove pockets, holes, rounds, and fillets.
- Tutorial: Surface Modeling
Analyze a surface model, create surfaces using the Midsurface and Patch tools, then optimize the surfaces.