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Learn about implicit modeling in Inspire.
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New to Inspire? Learn the basics here.
Get started learning how to adjust the view, move parts, run an optimization, and export files.
Learn how to create 2D sketches and parametric parts, prepare and simplify solid geometry, and model surfaces.
Learn how to create and modify PolyNURBS.
Learn how to shell and fill a part using a lattice in Inspire Implicit Modeling.
Learn how to design a heat exchanger first using a multi-domain gyroid surface lattice and then using a biased multi-domain gyroid surface lattice with variables in Inspire Implicit Modeling.
Learn how to morph between two different types of lattices in Inspire Implicit Modeling. In this case, we'll morph between a planar hexagon lattice and a body centered cubic strut lattice.
Learn how to create lattice ribs to strengthen an electrical cover in Inspire Implicit Modeling. The lattice thickness will be field driven, using stress data from a SimSolid analysis.
Learn how to run a structural analysis of parts containing lattice geometry created in Inspire Implicit Modeling.
Define contacts, create fasteners, and connect parts with spot welds.
Run a baseline analysis and analyze a generated shape.
Learn how to run different types of optimizations and compare results.
Define joints and motion contacts, create motors and actuators, run a motion analysis and plot the results.
Import geometry, create fluid domains, apply boundary conditions, run a fluids simulation, and post-process the results.
Create a design-of-experiments and explore the results.
Learn how to prepare, analyze, and export parts for 3D printing.
Create parametric sketches, geometry, and PolyNURBS with construction history and variables.
Create implicit models with primitives, lattices, point clouds, fields, offsetting, Booleans, inverting, smoothing, morphing, and filleting.
Set up your model and run a structural analysis or optimization.
Set up and run a motion analysis, plot the results, and export the results.
Prepare and run a computational fluid dynamics simulation.
Evaluate designs by using geometric variables and applying a design-of-experiments (DOE) or optimization method. We recommend fully constraining your sketch when sketch variables are used in the design exploration.
Set up and run a basic porosity or thinning analysis.
Prepare and run an additive manufacturing simulation, and export a file for 3D printing.
Adjust the materials and environment of objects in the scene to create a photorealistic image.
Learn how to access the Inspire Python API including online help, quick start demos, and the Extension Manager.
View the glossary, frequently asked questions, and errors and alerts.
Learn keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls for common operations.