
Create and partition supports required for 3D printing.

When 3D printing a part, surfaces on the part with angles of less than 45 degrees require support material to be added during the printing process. These areas are highlighted in yellow when the Orientation or Support tools are selected.

Use the Supports tool to:

  • Automatically generate and edit supports
  • Manually create a support in a specific region
  • Move and partition supports so they are placed optimally for 3D printing
Note: To designate existing parts as supports, use the satellite icon on the Print Part tool.

Automatically Generate Supports

Auto-generate support for the part with material that will be removed during post-processing.

Prerequisite: Prepare and orient the part for 3D printing.
  1. Select the Create Supports tool on the Support icon. Inspire auto-generates a support preview which must be edited and configured before printing.
    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
  2. Select a support preview to edit it. The selected support appears highlighted in red.
  3. Select a support type and set the desired parameters to configure the support.
    Type of Support Options for Configuration
    Block Configure the pattern, tip, and holes.

    Rod Configure the pattern and tip.

    H-Cell Configure the pattern, cells, and tip.

    Tree Configure the pattern, branching, and tip.

  4. Click Generate to create the support.
  5. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.
  • Hover over a parameter in the supports microdialog to view a tooltip that explains what the parameter does.
  • Use the Minimum support area option in the Preferences to define the smallest area for which supports should be generated. Areas smaller than this will be assumed to be self-supporting due to their small size and will not display a support preview, even if one would generally be required due to the undercut angle.

Manually Create a Support

Create supports manually in any region of the part based on your specific requirements.

Prerequisite: Prepare and orient the part for 3D printing.
  1. Select the Manual Supports tool on the Support icon.
    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
  2. Select a surface to generate a preview of a pin support.
  3. Select the support to edit it.
  4. Use the icons in the microdialog to define the shape of the support. Options are: cross-shaped, plus-shaped, square, and circle.

  5. Enter a Diameter.
  6. Click Generate.

Partition Supports

Split a support and move the partitions so they are in contact with the printing bed.

Sometimes automatically generated supports appear in open holes in the part, or in other locations where they cannot actually be printed. These supports should be partitioned and moved so they are in contact with the printing bed.
  1. Click the Create Supports tool on the Support icon.
    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
  2. Select the support you want to partition.
  3. Click the Partition icon on the microdialog to view a projection of the support onto the printer bed.
  4. Click twice on the printer bed to draw a partition line through the support's projected shadow. The partition line appears as a red dotted line.
  5. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to end creation of the partition line. The support is automatically partitioned on exit.
  6. Use the Move tool on the microdialog to drag the partitioned sections away from the part so they are in contact with the printing bed.
  7. Repeat the process so that all supports are placed in locations that are feasible for additive manufacturing.