Experimental tests on foam specimens working in compression
illustrate that the material behavior is highly nonlinear. The general behavior can be
subdivided into three parts related to particular deformation modes of material cells. When
the strain is small, the cells working in compression deform in membrane without causing
buckling in its lateral thin-walls. In the second step, the lateral thin-walls of the cells
buckle while the material undergoes large deformation. Finally, in the last step the cells
are completely collapsed and the contact between the lateral thin-walled cells increases the
global stiffness of the material.
As the viscous behavior of foams is demonstrated by
various tests, it is worthwhile to elaborate a material law including the viscous and hyper
elasticity effects. This is developed in 1 where a decoupling between viscous and elastic
parts is introduced by using finite transformations. Only the deviatoric part of the stress
tensor is concerned by viscous effects.
Material LAW62 corresponds to a hyper-elastic
solid material using the Ogden formulation for rubber material. The strain energy functional
2 is given by:
is the right Cauchy Green Tensor,
the deformation gradient matrix,
are the eigenvalues of
, where,
is the Poison’s ratio
Note: For rubber materials which are almost
incompressible, the bulk modulus is very large compared to the shear
The ground shear modulus is given by:
can be written as:
- Deviatoric part of the right Cauchy Green Tensor
- Volumetric and deviatoric parts of the stored energy functions and
the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor given by:
The Green-Lagrange strain tensor:
are the deviatoric and volumetric parts of the second
Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
Rate effects are modeled through visco-elasticity using
a convolution integral using Prony series. This corresponds to an extension of small strain
theory or finite deformation to large strain. The rate effect is applied only to the
deviatoric stress. The deviatoric stress is computed as:
is the internal variable given by the following rate
is given by the following convolution
is the initial shear modulus;
should be exactly the same as the ground shear modulus
is the long-term shear modulus that can be obtained from
long-term material testing.
are the relaxation times.
The relation between the
second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
and Cauchy stress tensor