Block Format Keyword Defines a general entity set which can be referenced by other entities.

The sets can be a combination of different types of entities such as elements, nodes, segments, or parts. Each entity type is defined by a Key followed by a list of item_ID. A different entity can be added by including a different Key and more item_ID. The item_IDn lines can be repeated for the same Key entity.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Key_OP1 item_ID1 item_ID2 item_ID3 item_ID4 item_ID5 item_ID6 item_ID7 item_ID8 item_ID9
item_ID11 item_ID12 item_ID13 etc etc item_IDn
Key_OP2 item_ID1 item_ID2 item_ID3 item_ID4 item_ID5 item_ID6 item_ID7 item_ID8 item_ID9
item_ID11 item_ID12 item_ID13 etc etc item_IDn
Key_OPn item_ID1 item_ID2 item_ID3 etc
If Key_OP =SEG, define surface segments
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
SEG seg_Idn node_ID1 node_ID2 node_ID3 node_ID4
If OP = G, the set is generated using the first, last, and increment ID.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Key_G first_ID1 last_ID2 Incr1-2 first_ID3 last_ID4 Incr3-4 first_ID5 last_ID6 Incr5-6
If Key = BOX or OP = B such as SHELL_B, box identities are listed.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Key_B box_ID1 box_ID2 box_ID3 box_ID4 box_ID5 box_ID6 box_ID7 box_ID8 box_ID9
If Key = NODENS, node identities are listed.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Key_OP item_ID1 item_ID2 item_ID3 item_ID4 item_ID5 item_ID6 item_ID7 item_ID8 item_ID9
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
a b c
If Key = ALL, no entities are listed.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


Field Contents SI Unit Example
set_type Set type.
General set definition.
General set with automatic assembling in Radioss Starter. All the /SET/COLLECT with the same ID are merged together. The /SET/COLLECT ID are not offset in case it is defined in a //SUBMODEL.
set_ID Set identifier.

Cannot be the same as the identifier for any group entity IDs of /GRNOD, /GRElement, /SURF, /LINE, or /GRPART.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

set_title Set title.

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

Key Keyword defining the entity to read. 1
Complete model
List of beam element ID
List of box IDs. Add entities that have all nodes in the box.
BOX2 5
List of box IDs. Add entities with at least 1 node inside the box.
Hyper-ellipsoid surface
List of node ID
List of unsortable node IDs
List of part (component)
Plane surface
List of 4 nodes 2D solid element ID
List of rigid body IDs
List of surf or line segments
List of general sets
List of sets type COLLECT
List of 3 node shell element ID
List of 4 node shell element ID
List of any type of 3D solid element ID
List of spring element ID
List of subset
List of submodel IDs
List of 3 node 2D solid element ID
List of truss element ID
OP Optional Key suffix.
= A
All facets and all edges of parts, subset, submodel or box.
= B
Add entities contained in the box defined by box_ID.
= C
Add entities with at least 1 node inside the box defined by box_ID.
= D
Delete (remove) the entities from the set.
= E
Only external facets or external edges of parts, subset, submodel or box and node from external facets or external edges of parts, subset, submodel or box.
= G
Generate a list of entities between 2 items IDs and increment.
= I
Intersection between lists of entities and previously read entities. 8
= O
Reverse orientation of the surface segment normal and add the entities to the set.
item_ID1, item_ID2,... item_IDn List of entity identifiers.


seg_IDn Segment identifier.


node_ID1 Node identifier 1 for the segment definition.


node_ID2 Node identifier 2 for the segment definition.


node_ID3 Node identifier 3 for the segment definition (not needed for line segments).


node_ID4 Node identifier 4 for the segment definition (not needed for line segments or 3 node /SH3N triangular segments).


first_ID1, last_ID2 List of entities starting at first_ID1 ending at last_ID2 with an increment of Incr1-2.


Incr1-2, Incr3-4, ... Increment value for the list generation from first_ID1 to last_ID2.

Default = 1 (Integer)

box_IDn Box identifier used with, Key=BOX or BOX2, or when OP= B or C.
XM X coordinate of M (end of normal vector).


[ m ]
YM Y coordinate of M (end of normal vector).


[ m ]
ZM Z coordinate of M (end of normal vector).


[ m ]
XM1 X coordinate of M1 (head of normal vector).


[ m ]
YM1 Y coordinate of M1 (head of normal vector).


[ m ]
ZM1 Z coordinate of M1 (head of normal vector).


[ m ]
XC Center coordinate X.


[ m ]
YC Center coordinate Y.


[ m ]
ZC Center coordinate Z.


[ m ]
a Semi-axis length along X direction.


[ m ]
b Semi-axis length along Y direction.


[ m ]
c Semi-axis length along Z direction.


[ m ]
Skew_ID Skew identifier defining the initial orientation of the surface.


n Degree of the hyper-ellipsoid, must be greater or equal to 2.

Default = 2 (Integer)

Key Types

Several options can be combined according the following compatibility tables:
Key Entity Input
ALL All the model
BEAM Beam element
BOX All entities defined inside a box
BOX2 All entities defined with at least 1 node inside a box
ELLIPS Hyper-ellipsoid surface
NODENS Unsortable node
RBODY Rigid body
PLANE Plane surface
QUAD 4-node 2D solid element
SEG Surface or line segment
SET Set of entities
SETCOL Set type COLLECT entities
SH3N 3-node shell element
SHELL 4-node shell element
SOLID Any 3D solid element
SPRING Spring element
SUBS Subset
SUBM Submodel
TRIA 3-node 2D solid element
TRUSS Truss element
Add parts using the default extraction options.
Remove part (all segments from solid parts, or all edges from).
Add a part (all segments and all edges) using the generation option.
Add shell element by generation and reverse the normal direction.


  1. Multiple lines of item_ID can be entered for a defined KEY_OP. It defines that a block, and entities extraction operations are done on this block. If the OP=E option is used, the external segments or edges are extracted from the entities defined in the block.
  2. The set_ID cannot use the same identifier as any group IDs in /GRNOD, /GRElement, /SURF, /LINE, /GRPART.
  3. The set_ID from the /SET can be referenced in any entity that references a /GRNOD, /GRElement, /SURF, /LINE, /GRPART.

    A few examples would be /IMPDISP, /CLOAD, /INTER/TYPE7, or /SECT.

  4. Non-existing item_IDi or box_IDi will be ignored and a warning message is printed in the Starter output file.
  5. For Key=BOX or OP=B, all nodes of an entity must be in the box for the entity to be included in the set.

    For Key=BOX2 or OP=C, at least 1 node of an entity must be in the box for the entity to be included in the set.

  6. When a set is referenced by a keyword, the entities referenced (nodes, surface, line, or elements) are automatically extracted from the set. For example:

    Solid elements: only external segments or external edges from 3D and 2D solid elements are extracted by default. Key option OP=A can be used to get all segments and edges.

    Shell elements: all edges are extracted by default. Key option OP=E can be used to get only free edges.

    Nodes: all nodes are extracted from the set by default. Key option OP=E can be used to get only the nodes from an external segment of solid elements or nodes from the free edge of shell elements.

  7. The identifier (ID) of sets type COLLECT or defined listed with Key=SETCOL are not offset when they are defined in //SUBMODEL with a defined offset value.
  8. Intersection operation example:
    SET              1        2
    SET_I            3        4

    The final result is: (1 Ս 2) Ո (3 Ս 4)

  9. Key=PLANE is not compatible with any other keys. Only one plane can be defined in a single set.
  10. The infinite plane Key=PLANE is defined by a normal vector M M 1 ( M belongs to plane), as shown below:
    Figure 1.
  11. Key=ELLIPS is not compatible with any other keys. Only one hyper-ellipsoid can be defined in a single set.
  12. The hyper-ellipsoid (Key=ELLIPS) surface is defined as:
    x - x c a n   +   y - y c b n   +   z - z c c n   =   1

    The sphere is the case where n=2 and a=b=c=r.

  13. With the Key=NODENS, nodes are not sorted by Radioss, they retain the order entered. This option is only needed in interface TYPE8 and /XELEM. Only Key=NODENS can be defined in a single set.
  14. Entities are automatically extracted as:
    Required Set Contents
    Node set, /GRNOD
    OP=A (Default)
    All nodes of the selected entities.
    Nodes from external faces of the solid elements defined in each Key block.
    Nodes from free edges of the shell elements defined in each Key block.
    All nodes for the other elements.
    Element set, /GRelement All elements of the selected entities.
    Surface, /SURF
    OP=E (Default)
    Only the external faces of the solid elements defined in each Key block.
    All segments from shells elements.
    All segments from solid elements (external and internal).
    All segments from shells elements.
    Line, /LINE
    Only edges from the external faces of the solid elements defined in each Key block.
    All edges from shells elements.
    All edges from beam, truss, and spring elements.
    All edges from solid elements (external and internal).
    All edges from shells elements.
    All edges from beam, truss, and spring elements.
    Only edges from the external faces of the solid elements defined in each Key block.
    Only free edges from the shell elements defined in each Key block.
    Free edges from beam, truss, and spring element.