14.0.110 API Programmer's Guide
New Commands
- Connectors
- General/Core
- Meshing
- Modules/Parts
- Morphing
- *morphconstraintcreatedof
- *morphconstraintupdatedof
- *morphcreateline
- *morphmapedgestoequationoffset
- *morphmapedgestolineoffset
- *morphmapedgestonodesoffset
- *morphmapedgestoplaneoffset
- *morphmapedgestosurfaceoffset
- *morphmapedgestotacitoffset
- *morphmaptoequationvecoffset
- *morphmaptolinenodesoffset
- *morphmaptolinevecoffset
- *morphmaptonodesnodesoffset
- *morphmaptonodesvecoffset
- *morphmaptoplanevecoffset
- *morphmaptosurfacevecoffset
- *morphmaptotacitvecoffset
- *morphnodesequaoffset
- *morphnodeslineoffset
- *morphnodesmeshoffset
- *morphnodesnodesoffset
- *morphnodesplaneoffset
- *morphnodessurfoffset
- *morphnodesvectoroffset
- Optimization
- *freesizeupdatetapeattribute
- *latparmupdatebucksfparameter
- *latparmupdatemaxradparameter
- Template Commands
- Template Functions
Modified Commands
The following commands have new options or enhanced capabilities. Existing scripts are not
affected and only need to be updated if usage of the new functionality is desired:
- Connectors
- hm_ce_alldetailsget/hm_ce_checklinkentities/hm_ce_close_mcf/hm_ce_getlinkentityinfo/hm_ce_numlinkentities/hm_ce_read_mcf/hm_ce_type/*CE_ConnectorCreate/*CE_ConnectorCreateByList/*CE_ConnectorCreateByListAndRealizeWithDetails/*CE_ConnectorCreateByMark/*CE_DetailSetString/*CE_DetailSetStringByMark/*CE_FE_Register/*CE_FE_RegisterAdvanced/*CE_FE_SetCommonDetails/*CE_FE_SetDetails/*CE_FE_SetDetailsAndRealize/*CE_FE_SetSpecificDetail/*CE_GlobalSetInt/*CE_MarkUpdateLink/*CE_ProjectionCheck/*CE_Unrealize/*CE_UpdateLink - Documentation has been updated for each of these commands to correspond to their current support. Such support and behaviors have been released in various previous versions.
- Data names
- components - Added new data names distributedmass, engineeringmass, lumpedmass, rigidbodymass, solverpartmass and transferredmass, which are valid for LS-DYNA.
- includefiles - Added new data name typesundersubmodel. Updated behavior of typesofindividualidranges.
- General/Core
- *writeh3dwithoptions - Support for export of comparison tool CAD and FE results (hm_comparesetreview 1) now supported when results=1 is set.
- hm_framework - Added new optional arguments for the addtab functionality (?create_proc? ?cleanup_proc? ?enable_tearoff? ?manage?) and removetab functionality (?force? ?keep_tab?).
- HyperBeam
- *beamsectionsetdatastandard - Added support for Samcef.
- Meshing
- w*findflangesinit - Replaced the previous flag argument with consider_closed_shell_solids.
- *findflangesproximityshell - Replaced the previous reserved1 argument with create_points_in_middle.
- Morphing
- *morphmapnormaloffset - New supported values added to the umark argument.
- *morphshrinkmvols - New supported values added to the iface argument.
Deprecated Commands
- Meshing
- *sphgenerate - Use *sphgenerate_new instead.
- Morphing
- *morphmapedgestoequation - Use *morphmapedgestoequationoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestoline - Use *morphmapedgestolineoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestonodes - Use *morphmapedgestonodesoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestoplane - Use *morphmapedgestoplaneoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestosurface - Use *morphmapedgestosurfaceoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestotacit - Use *morphmapedgestotacitoffset instead.
- *morphmaptoequationvec - Use *morphmaptoequationvecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptolinenodes - Use *morphmaptolinenodesoffset instead.
- *morphmaptolineoffset - Use *morphmaptolinevecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptolinevec - Use *morphmaptolinevecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptonodesnodes - Use *morphmaptonodesnodesoffset instead.
- *morphmaptonodesvec - Use *morphmaptonodsvecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptoplanevec - Use *morphmaptoplanevecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptosurfacevec - Use *morphmaptosurfacevecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptotacitvec - Use *morphmaptotacitvecoffset instead.
- *morphnodesequaenvelope - Use *morphnodesequaoffset instead.
- *morphnodeslineenvelope - Use *morphnodeslineoffset instead.
- *morphnodesmeshenvelope - Use *morphnodesmeshoffset instead.
- *morphnodesnodesenvelope - Use *morphnodesnodesoffset instead.
- *morphnodesplaneenvelope - Use *morphnodesplaneoffset instead.
- *morphnodessurfenvelope - Use *morphnodessurfoffset instead.
- *morphnodesvectorenvelope - Use *morphnodesvectoroffset instead.