
Element Tag Valid Points
<LoadType> File path of the Material csv

For Fixed points = Range Definition file (RDF)

For Constant Amplitude = Duty Cycle (XML)

The RDF/XML files are written to Export directory in Weld Run History

  • FixedPts_<rundirectoryname>.rdf
  • constantamplitude_<rundirectoryname>.xml

Format of RDF and XML duty cycle files

Fixed Point Duty Cycle with 2 events (RDF file)
#HyperLife Weld Certification Fixed Point Range Definition File
*id      ncy      LC1      LC2      LC3      LC4      SF1      SF2      SF3      SF4      *Event  
1        2000000  4,0      1,0      5,0      3,0      1        1        1        1        *Event_1
4        2000000  1,0      3,0      4,0      5,0      1        1        1        1        *Event_4
Constant Ampltiude Duty Cycle with 2 events (XML file)
<LoadMapData version="24.000000">
    <LoadMap typeofloading="Time Series">
            <tabfat Max="1" Min="-1" id="1" type="Constant Amplitude"></tabfat>
            <tabfat Max="1" Min="-1" id="2" type="Constant Amplitude"></tabfat>
            <tabfat Max="1" Min="-1" id="3" type="Constant Amplitude"></tabfat>
            <tabfat Max="1" Min="-1" id="4" type="Constant Amplitude"></tabfat>
            <Event id="2" name="Event_2" repeats="1">
                <Fatload LDM="1" Offset="0" Scale="1" resultfile="" sim="0" subcase="1" tabfatId="1" tabfatName="ConstantAmplitude_1"></Fatload>
                <Fatload LDM="1" Offset="0" Scale="1" resultfile="" sim="0" subcase="3" tabfatId="2" tabfatName="ConstantAmplitude_2"></Fatload>
            <Event id="3" name="Event_3" repeats="1">
                <Fatload LDM="1" Offset="0" Scale="1" resultfile="" sim="0" subcase="4" tabfatId="3" tabfatName="ConstantAmplitude_3"></Fatload>
                <Fatload LDM="1" Offset="0" Scale="1" resultfile="" sim="0" subcase="5" tabfatId="4" tabfatName="ConstantAmplitude_4"></Fatload>

The constant amplitude loading format is similar to the Duty Cycle format from HyperLife Basic for Time series loading: Load Map.