Streamlines are massless particles moving along a path with a velocity tangent to the streamline at every point.


STREAMLINE(“name”) { parameters}


User-given name


seed_type (enum)
Method of identifying seed locations
Options: rectangular, rake, from_file.
normal_direction (enum)
Used when seed_type=rectangular
Options: x, y, z
calculation_direction (enum)
Defines the calculation direction for the streamline calculation.
Options: forward (default), backward or both.
x_center (real)
x-coordinate of centerpoint of rectangle. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
y_center (real)
y-coordinate of centerpoint of rectangle. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
z_center (real)
z-coordinate of centerpoint of rectangle. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
x_length (real)
Length of rectangle in the x direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
y_length (real)
Length of rectangle in the y direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
z_length (real)
Length of rectangle in the z direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
x_seeds (integer)
Number of seeds equally spaced along the rectangle in the x direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
y_seeds (integer)
Number of seeds equally spaced along the rectangle in the y direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
z_seeds (integer)
Number of seeds equally spaced along the rectangle in the z direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
x_1 (real)
x location of first seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
y_1 (real)
y location of first seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
z_1 (real)
z location of first seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
x_2 (real)
x location of second seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
y_2 (real)
y location of second seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
z_2 (real)
z location of second seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
num_seeds (integer)
Number of seeds to place between two specified points for rake
name (string)
User-given name of the command. The instance of a given command is referenced using this parameter.
seed_file (string)
Absolute or relative path and file name to the seed file, defines the x, y, z locations of the seeds to be used for streamline generation. Used when seed_type=from_file.
contour_function (string)
Scalar quantity to be displayed on streamline (pressure, velocity, and so on)
vector_function (string)
Vector field to define the streamline computation (velocity, time_avg_velocity, velocity_xz, time_avg_velocity_xz)
line_thickness (enum)
Thickness of lines for mesh display and feature line display
Options: thin, medium, thick
legend_display (boolean)
Flag to toggle on or off the visibility of the legend
legend_min (real)
Minimum value in legend
legend_max (real)
Maximum value in legend
legend_location (enum)
Location of the legend on the image
Options: top_left, top_center, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right, center_left, center_right
legend_use_local (enum)
Boolean to control the local legend range. If active, will set for local entity range.
colormap_name (enum)
Colormap name to use for displaying the scalar function values
Options: Cool to Warm, Cool to Warm (Extended), Black-Body Radiation, X Ray, Inferno, Black, Blue and White, Blue Orange, Viridis, Gray and Red, Linear Green, Cold and Hot, Blue – Green – Orange, Rainbow Desaturated, Yellow – Gray – Blue, Rainbow Uniform, Rainbow, Rainbow Legacy


STREAMLINE("upstream rake"){
     calculation_direction      = forward
     time_limit                 = "_none"
     seed_type                  = rake
     normal_direction           = x
     x_1                        = (xMax-xMin)*.2 + xMin
     y_1                        = yMax*.99
     z_1                        = (zMax-zMin)/2.0 + zMin
     x_2                        = (xMax-xMin)*.2 + xMin
     y_2                        = yMin*.99
     z_2                        = (zMax-zMin)/2.0 + zMin
     num_seeds                  = nSeeds**2.0
     line_thickness             = thin
     color_type                 = contour
     contour_function           = "velocity_magnitude"
     legend_display             = on     
     vector_function            = "velocity"
     legend_use_local           = off
     legend_min                 = .6*meanVel
     legend_max                 = 2.5*meanVel