A collector for one or many components used to toggle on and off views.


PART(“name”) {parameters}


User-given name


show_boundary_names (string)
Comma separated list of boundary names to show.
Note: Boundary names can be matched using unix style wildcards. _all selects all boundaries.
hide_boundary_names (string)
Comma separated list of boundary names to hide.
Note: Boundary names can be matched using unix style wildcards. _all selects all boundaries.
name (string)
User-given name of the command. The instance of a given command is referenced using this parameter.
display_type (enum)
Specify how to display the surface
Options: solid, mesh_lines, feature_lines, contour_lines, vectors
transparency (real)
Level of transparency
1 is fully transparent
contour_function (string)
Scalar quantity to be displayed on part (pressure, velocity, etc., see Calculate Context Help). Used with color_type=contour.
line_thickness (enum)
Thickness of lines for mesh display, feature line display and contour_line display type.
Options: thin, medium, thick
num_contours (integer)
Number of contour lines to be displayed when display_type=contour_lines
The limit is 500 contours.
contour_line_min (real)
Minimum value of the contour line range, when display_type=contour_lines
contour_line_max (real)
Maximum value of the contour line range, when display_type=contour_lines
color_type (enum)
Method used to set the display color
Options: constant, contour
constant_color (enum)
Constant color of the part. Used with color_type=constant.
Options: white, green, blue, magenta, gray, yellow, light_blue, purple, red, black
legend_display (boolean)
Flag to toggle on or off the visibility of the legend
num_labels (integer)
Number of labels used in legend
legend_min (real)
Minimum value in legend
legend_max (real)
Maximum value in legend
legend_orientation (enum)
Specify orientation of the legend
Options: horizontal, vertical
legend_location (enum)
Location of the legend on the image
Options: top_left, top_center, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right, center_left, center_right
legend_use_local (enum)
Boolean to control the local legend range. If active, will set for local entity range.
legend_title (string)
Legend name to be used for the provided contour function, defaults to internal name.
threshold_clipping (boolean)
Specify if the part should be clipped by the specified threshold
threshold_function (string)
Function to be used as threshold
threshold_min (real)
Minimum threshold value
threshold_max (real)
Maximum threshold value
colormap_name (enum)
Colormap name to use for displaying the scalar function values
Options: Cool to Warm, Cool to Warm (Extended), Black-Body Radiation, X Ray, Inferno, Black, Blue and White, Blue Orange, Viridis, Gray and Red, Linear Green, Cold and Hot, Blue – Green – Orange, Rainbow Desaturated, Yellow – Gray – Blue, Rainbow Uniform, Rainbow, Rainbow Legacy
box_clip (boolean)
When this option is activated, a box clip is applied to all surfaces contained in this instance of the PART command.
Requires x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, and z_max.
Default = off
x_min (real)
The minimum x coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
The special keyword _auto indicates that no clipping should be applied on this side of the box.
default = _auto
y_min (real)
The minimum y coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
The special keyword _auto indicates that no clipping should be applied on this side of the box.
default = _auto
z_min (real)
The minimum z coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
The special keyword _auto indicates that no clipping should be applied on this side of the box.
default = _auto
x_max (real)
The maximum x coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
The special keyword _auto indicates that no clipping should be applied on this side of the box.
default = _auto
y_max (real)
The maximum y coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
The special keyword _auto indicates that no clipping should be applied on this side of the box.
default = _auto
z_max (real)
The maximum z coordinate of the bounding box used to clip the geometry. Used when boundary_clipping = on.
The special keyword _auto indicates that no clipping should be applied on this side of the box.
default = _auto


PART("Full vehicle - white"){
     show_boundary_names       = {"_all"}
     hide_boundary_names       = {"*_inv"}
     display_type              = solid
     color_type                = constant
     constant_color	     = "white"