Run AcuSolve

Description Directory containing files associated with the results from the solution
Name The complete directory should be treated as a single entity and should not be tampered with
File type ASCII
These files are required for results visualization. Deletion of any individual file or group of files may render the output database unreadable. If you want to view results after files are deleted, they will need to be recreated by running AcuSolve again.
Description AcuSolve configuration file
Name Acusim.cnf
File type ASCII
This file is used when AcuSolve is run. This file should not be manually edited or deleted.
Description Complete list of commands provided to AcuSolve
Name <problem>.<runID>, where <runID> is the sequential number that indicates the number of runs of AcuSolve for the particular problem
File type ASCII
This file contains all of the commands needed to run AcuSolve. This file is useful for analyzing differences in settings between runs. This file should not be manually edited or deleted.
Description List of solution-strategy commands provided to AcuSolve
Name <problem>
File type ASCII
It can be deleted once a solution is reached.
Description Summary of the simulation, containing summary information for each sub-process spawned while calculating a solution. Used as a reference to load results into HyperGraph, the HyperMesh CFD plot utility, and HyperView.
Name <problem>.<runID>.Log, where <runID> is the sequential number that indicates the number of runs of AcuSolve for the particular problem
File type ASCII

This file is required for results visualization. Deletion may render the output database unreadable. If this file is deleted, it will need to be recreated by running AcuSolve again.

Once the mesh process is complete, all of the boundary conditions are prepared and the solution strategy has been set, exporting the problem from HyperMesh CFD generates a set of files needed for AcuPrep and AcuSolve. The mesh is exported into a directory with default name MESH.DIR and the input file is written to <problem>.inp.

The input file is the most critical item associated with an AcuSolve simulation. It provides reference to all settings needed to initialize the solver with a series of command statements. The command statements may reference various other files that are associated with the mesh, initial conditions, boundary conditions or user subroutines.

The .inp file should be kept as a reference to the simulation, and along with MESH.DIR, these file comprise the simulation input. If either .inp or MESH.DIR are removed, it will not be possible to run the solver. These will need to be recreated prior to solving the problem.

AcuSolve is typically launched by a wrapper script called AcuRun. AcuRun controls the simulation procedure for AcuSolve. It requires that the input files, as described above, are properly referenced and available for the executable to read. First, AcuRun executes AcuPrep. AcuPrep will read the .inp file and generate a series of new files associated with the current run identifier. Since AcuSolve relies on a complete set of commands that are not explicitly defined in the .inp file, a new file <problem> is created to expand on the AUTO_SOLUTION_STATEGY command. The .inc file contains several additional commands associated with the solution strategy that may or may not have been defined in the .inp file. If not defined in the .inp file, commands such as TIME_SEQUENCE, TIME_INCREMENT, STAGGER, and CONVERGENCE_CHECK_PARAMETERS are automatically defined in the .inc file based on the default settings. The .inc file is then referenced by the INCLUDE command to fully define the solution strategy.

AcuPrep also generates a file with the extension .echo. The .echo file gives a complete listing of all commands required to run AcuSolve. Everything included in the .inp file and the .inc file are written to this file, which serves as a record of the full settings for each run that was made.

Once AcuPrep is complete, AcuRun executes AcuView (if necessary), followed by AcuSolve. AcuSolve generates a series of files that comprise the output from the simulation. The primary file associated with the output that you will interact with is the .Log file, by default named <problem>.<run ID>.Log. The .Log file provides a summary of the simulation progress and includes information from AcuPrep, AcuView, and AcuSolve. The .Log file also serves as a reference for loading the simulation results into various post processing applications, including HyperGraph and HyperMesh CFD. Note that these applications only parse the .Log file to extract the problem name, run ID, and working directory. The actual data that is loaded into the post-processing tools is read using an API to the AcuSolve solution database, which requires problem name, run ID and working directory as input.