Export Solution Input Files

Table 1.
Description Input file containing all of the commands needed to run AcuPrep
Name Same as <problem> name given by you
File type ASCII
This file is required in order to calculate a solution. If you have generated an input file but not run AcuSolve, do not delete this file. Once a solution is calculated, this file can be deleted, but will need to be recreated if you want to recreate the solution.
Table 2.
Description Directory containing all files associated with the mesh
Name The complete directory should be treated as a single entity
File type ASCII (default) or binary
The files in MESH.DIR contain the coordinate, connectivity, and elemental boundary conditions.
Table 3.
.cnn File containing connectivity of elements within a volume set
.crd File containing coordinates of nodes within the model
.ebc File containing identifiers for element collections associated with each surface set

The files in this directory are required in order to calculate a solution. If you have generated an input file and created this directory, but not run AcuSolve, do not delete this directory. Once a solution is calculated, this directory can be deleted, but will need to be recreated if you want to recreate the solution.