
Translates AcuSolve data to Abaqus CAE in ODB format.


acuOdb [options]


AcuSolve Post-Processing Program


The results of AcuSolve are stored using an internal format in a number of files in the directory specified by the working_directory option, ACUSIM.DIR by default, and in binary by default. AcuOdb is used to gather and translate these results into Abaqus CAE in ODB format for post-processing or visualizing by Abaqus products. This program is similar to AcuTrans, and the options have the same meaning.

The nodal_output_vars and extended_nodal_output parameters are the same as in AcuTrans; see that command for more details.

In the following, the full name of each option is followed by its abbreviated name and its type. For a general description of option specifications, see Command Line Options and Configuration Files. See below for more individual option details:

help or h (boolean)
If set, the program prints a usage message and exits. The usage message includes all available options, their current values and the source of their current values.
problem or pb (string)
The name of the problem is specified via this option. This name is used to build internal file names and to generate output files. All generated output files start with the problem name.
working_directory or dir (string)
All internal files are stored in this directory. This directory does not need to be on the same file system as the user-supplied input files.
run_id or run (integer)
Number of the run in which the translation is requested. If run_id is set to 0, the last run in the working directory is assumed.
time_steps or ts (string)
Comma-separated list of time steps to be translated. The comma-separated fields have the general range format beg:end:inc, where :end:inc and :inc are optional. beg specifies the first time step in the range. It may be either a given time step, as specified by a number, the letter F (or f) requesting the first available time step, or the letter L (or l) requesting the last available time step. end is the last time step in the range. It may be either a time step number or L (or l) requesting the last available time step. If end is missing, the range is assumed to simply represent a single time step, that is, end=beg and inc=1. inc is the increment that ranges from beg to end. It may be either a number or the letter A (or a) requesting all available time steps in the range. If :inc is missing, it is assumed to be one. The range may also be specified by the single letter A (or a), requesting all available time steps. This is equivalent to F:L:A. time_steps is used only for nodal data and is ignored for time series data. Examples of time_steps option include:
acuOdb -ts 35         # step 35
acuOdb -ts 35,33,37             # steps 33, 35, and 37
acuOdb -ts 33:37:2              # steps 33, 35, and 37
acuOdb -ts 35,33:37:2,37        # steps 33, 35, and 37
acuOdb -ts 33:37                # all steps from 33 to 37
acuOdb -ts 33:37:A              # available steps from 33 to 37
acuOdb -ts F:L:A                # all available steps
acuOdb -ts A                    # all available steps
ignore_missing_steps or imts (boolean)
If set, missing requested time steps are ignored. Otherwise, if the requested time step does not exist, the command issues an error message and exits.
ignore_missing_variables or imv (boolean)
If set, missing requested variables are ignored. Otherwise, if the requested variable does not exist, the command issues an error message and exits.
mesh_output or mesh (boolean)
If set, the problem mesh is translated.
nodal_output_vars or outv (string)
Comma-separated list of nodal output variables to be translated. The list may include:
Table 1.
Variable (abbr) Fields Description
node_id (node) 1 User-given node number
coordinates (crd) 3 Nodal coordinates
velocity (vel) 3 Velocity vector
pressure (pres) 1 Pressure
temperature (temp) 1 Temperature
incident_radiation 1 Incident radiation
species (spec) nSpecs Species
field nFields Field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field= algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to volume fractions, and are named as volume_fraction-"fieldname".
eddy_viscosity (eddy) 1 Turbulence eddy viscosity
kinetic_energy (tke) 1 Turbulence kinetic energy
eddy_frequency (tomega) 1 Turbulence eddy frequency
sqrt_eddy_period (tg) 1 Inverse of square root of eddy frequency
dissipation_rate (teps) 1 Turbulence dissipation rate
intermittency (tintc) 1 Turbulence intermittency
transition_re_theta (treth) 1 Critical momentum thickness Reynolds number
surface_y_plus (yp) 1 y+ on turbulence walls
surface_film_coefficient (film) 1 Convective heat transfer coef. on turbulence walls
wall_shear_stress (wall_shear) 3 Wall shear stress on turbulence walls
mesh_displacement (mesh_disp) 3 Mesh displacement vector
mesh_velocity (mesh_vel) 3 Mesh velocity vector

where nSpecs is the number of species as given in the EQUATION command in the input file. The problem must contain the requested variable in order for it to be translated. For example, the parameter turbulence in the EQUATION command must be set to a value other than none in order for eddy_viscosity to be available. The list of variables is sorted in the order given in the above table. If nodal_output_vars is set to _all, all available variables are translated. The surface_y_plus and surface_film_coefficient are non-zero only on surface nodes given by TURBULENCE_WALL, or alternatively by SIMPLE_BOUNDARY_CONDITION of type wall. The surface_film_coefficient is computed even if there is no temperature equation. However, all relevant fluid material models must include specific heat and conductivity models.

extended_nodal_output or extout (boolean)
Extended nodal output flag. If set, adds to the nodal_output variable list available variables from running_average_output, time_average_output, derived_quantity_output, surface_output, radiation_surface, solar_radiation_surface, output_nodal_residual, output_error_estimator, and time_average_error_estimator. The nodal projections of miscellaneous element quantities and gradients of available field variables are also added to the list. Those variables defined only on a subset of the nodes, such as surfaces, are set to zero on the rest of the nodes. The list may include:
Table 2.
Variable (abbr) Fields Description
grad_velocity (grad_vel) 9 Gradient of velocity vector
grad_pressure (grad_pres) 3 Gradient of pressure
grad_temperature (grad_temp) 3 Gradient of temperature
grad_field 3*nFields Gradient of field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the grad field values correspond to grad volume fractions, and are named as grad_volume_fraction-"fieldname".
grad_species (grad_spec) 3*nSpecs Gradient of species
grad_eddy_viscosity (grad_eddy) 3 Gradient of turbulence eddy viscosity
grad_kinetic_energy (grad_tke) 3 Gradient of turbulent kinetic energy
grad_eddy_frequency (grad_tomega) 3 Gradient of turbulent eddy frequency
grad_sqrt_eddy_period (grad_tg) 3 Gradient of inverse of square root of eddy frequency
grad_dissipation_rate (grad_teps) 3 Gradient of turbulence dissipation rate
grad_intermittency (grad_tintc) 3 Gradient of turbulence intermittency
grad_transition_re_theta (grad_treth) 3 Gradient of critical momentum thickness Reynolds Number
grad_viscoelastic_stress (grad_vest) 18 Gradient of viscoelastic stress
grad_mesh_displacement (grad_mesh_disp) 9 Gradient of mesh displacement vector
grad_mesh_velocity (grad_mesh_vel) 9 Gradient of mesh velocity vector
volume (vol) 1 Nodal volume
strain_rate_invariant_2 (strain_i2) 1 Second invariant of the strain rate tensor
velocity_magnitude (vmag) 1 Magnitude of the velocity vector
vorticity (vort) 3 Vorticity
cfl_number (cfl) 1 Element-integrated CFL number
density (dens) 1 Density
viscosity (visc) 1 Viscosity
material_viscosity (mat_visc) 1 Molecular viscosity
gravity (grav) 3 Gravity
specific_heat (cp) 1 Specific heat
conductivity (cond) 1 Conductivity
field_diffusivity 1 Field diffusivity
field_source 1 Field source
material_conductivity 1 Material conductivity
total_pressure (tot_pres) 1 Total pressure
heat_source (heat_src) 1 Heat source
turbulence_y (turb_y) 1 Turbulence distance to wall
turbulence_y_plus (turb_yp) 1 Turbulence y+
des_length (deslen) 1 Length scale for DES turbulence model
running_ave_velocity (ora_vel) 3 Running average velocity
running_ave_pressure (ora_pres) 1 Running average pressure
running_ave_temperature (ora_temp) 1 Running average temperature
running_ave_field (ora_field) nFields Running average field values. For multi_field = levelset and multi_field = algebraic_eulerian, the field values correspond to running average volume fractions, and are named as running_ave_volume_fraction-"fieldname".
running_ave_species (ora_spec) nSpecs Running average species
running_ave_eddy_viscosity (ora_eddy) 1 Running average eddy viscosity
running_ave_kinetic_energy (ora_tke) 1 Running average turbulence kinetic energy
running_ave_eddy_frequency (ora_tomega) 1 Running average turbulence eddy frequency
running_ave_sqrt_eddy_period (ora_tg) 1 Running average inverse of square root of eddy frequency
running_ave_dissipation_rate (ora_teps) 1 Running average turbulence dissipation rate
running_ave_intermittency (ora_tintc) 1 Running average of the turbulence intermittency
running_ave_transition_re_theta (ora_treth) 1 Running average of the critical momentum thickness Reynolds number
running_ave_mesh_displacement (ora_mesh_disp) 3 Running average mesh displacement
running_ave_viscoelastic_stress (ora_vest) 6 Running average viscoelastic stress
residual_velocity (onr_vel) 3 Residual of momentum equations
residual_pressure (onr_pres) 1 Residual of continuity equation
residual_temperature (onr_temp) 1 Residual of temperature equation
residual_eddy_viscosity (onr_eddy) 1 Residual of turbulence equation
residual_kinetic_energy (onr_tke) 1 Residual of turbulence kinetic energy equation
residual_eddy_frequency (onr_tomega) 1 Residual of turbulence eddy frequency equation
residual_sqrt_eddy_period (onr_tg) 1 Residual inverse of square root of eddy frequency
residual_dissipation_rate (onr_teps) 1 Residual of turbulence dissipation rate
residual_intermittency (onr_tintc) 1 Residual of the turbulence intermittency
residual_transition_re_theta (onr_treth) 1 Residual of the critical momentum thickness Reynolds number
residual_mesh_displacement (onr_mesh_disp) 3 Residual of mesh displacement equations
error_estimator_volume (oee_vol) 1 Volume
error_estimator_velocity (oee_vel) 3 Error estimate of momentum equations
error_estimator_pressure (oee_pres) 1 Error estimate of continuity equation
error_estimator_temperature (oee_temp) 1 Error estimate of temperature equation
error_estimator_eddy_viscosity (oee_eddy) 1 Error estimate of turbulence equation
error_estimator_tau_velocity (oee_tau_vel) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for continuity equation
error_estimator_tau_pressure (oee_tau_pres) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for momentum equations
error_estimator_tau_temperature (oee_tau_temp) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for heat equation
error_estimator_tau_eddy_viscosity (oee_tau_eddy) 1 Error estimate of least-squares metric for turbulence equations
time_ave_error_volume (oae_vol) 1 Time-averaged volume
time_ave_error_velocity (oae_vel) 3 Time-averaged error estimate of momentum equations
time_ave_error_pressure (oae_pres) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of continuity equation
time_ave_error_temperature (oae_temp) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of temperature equation
time_ave_error_eddy_viscosity (oae_eddy) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of turbulence equation
time_ave_error_tau_velocity (oae_tau_vel) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for continuity equation
time_ave_error_tau_pressure (oae_tau_pres) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for momentum equations
time_ave_error_tau_temperature (oae_tau_temp) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for heat equation
time_ave_error_tau_eddy_viscosity (oae_tau_eddy) 1 Time-averaged error estimate of least-squares metric for turbulence equation
time_ave_velocity (ota_vel) 3 Time-averaged velocity
time_ave_velocity_regular (ota_vel_reg) 3 Time-averaged non-conservative velocity
time_ave_pressure (ota_pres) 1 Time-averaged pressure
time_ave_pressure_square (ota_pres_sqr) 1 Time-averaged square of pressure
surface_area (osf_area) 1 Surface area
surface_mass_flux (osf_mass) 1 Surface mass flux
surface_momentum_flux (osf_mom) 3 Surface momentum flux
surface_traction (osf_trac) 3 Surface traction
surface_moment (osf_moment) 3 Surface moment
surface_convective_temperature_flux (osf_conv_temp) 1 Surface convective temperature flux
surface_heat_flux (osf_heat) 1 Surface heat flux
radiation_area (orf_area) 1 Radiation area
radiation_heat_flux (orf_heat) 1 Radiation heat flux
radiation_mean_radiant_temperature (orf_mr_temp) 1 Radiation mean radiant temperature
solar_area (oqf_area) 1 Solar area
solar_heat_flux (oqf_heat) 1 Solar heat flux

where nSpecs is the number of species as given in the EQUATION command in the input file. The output fields for time_ave_velocity_square and time_ave_stress are xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, and zx. The output fields for gradient variables are, for example, ux, uy, uz, vx,....

verbose or v (integer)
Set the verbose level for printing information to the screen. Each higher verbose level prints more information. If verbose is set to 0, or less, only warning and error messages are printed. If verbose is set to 1, basic processing information is printed in addition to warning and error messages. This level is recommended. verbose levels greater than 1 provide information useful only for debugging.


To translate nodal output results of the channel problem to the ODB format, issue the command:
acuOdb -pb channel -ts 5
which creates suitable ODB files. Alternatively place the option(s) in the configuration file Acusim.cnf as follows:
problem= channel
time_steps= 5
and issue the command: