Utility Scripts
AcuSolve contains a number of command line utility scripts that can be used for pre-processing the model, post-processing the model, running the model, and for monitoring the solution as it progresses.
These scripts are shipped with the distribution and are located in the /script and /bin
directories of the installation. Each script has a full help listing that can be
accessed using the "-h" command line option. The list below provides a brief summary
of each script. Additional details can be found in the MANIFEST .txt file that is shipped with the
- acuDdc
- External domain decomposition for AcuPrep.
- acuDmg
- AcuSolve directory management tool for deleting output files.
- acuDplace
- Script to determine optimum process placement for Altix.
- acuEnSight6To5
- Convert an Ensight6 file to Ensight5.
- acuEnv
- Script to set AcuSolve's environment variables.
- acuExtrudeSurf
- Extrude a surface mesh to form a volume.
- acuFmtArray
- ASCII/binary conversion of AcuSolve files.
- acuFv2H3D
- Convert a FieldView file to H3D.
- acuFwh
- Ffowcs-Williams-Hawking solver.
- acuGetData
- Get AcuSolve results data directly from the AcuSolve output database.
- acuGetCpCf
- Script to calculate pressure and friction coefficients.
- acuGetNodeSubset
- Script to extract a subset of nodal output to disk.
- acuHeatBalance
- Compute the energy balance from an AcuSolve solution database.
- acuImport
- Import CFD files to AcuSolve.
- acuInterp
- Interpolate AcuSolve solution to requested points.
- acuLiftDrag
- Script to calculate lift and drag coefficients for one or more surfaces.
- acuLmco
- License manager co-processor for Linux based platforms.
- acuLmd
- License manager daemon.
- acuLmf
- Install license in the license file.
- acuLmg
- License manager user tool.
- acuLmi
- License machine info.
- acuMakeDll
- User-defined function make utility for AcuSolve (Windows).
- acuMakeLib
- User-defined function make utility for AcuSolve (Linux).
- acuMesh2Tet
- Convert a mesh to all tet mesh.
- acuModSlv
- Script to modify solver commands for utilization with the fast restart option.
- acuOdb
- Translate AcuSolve results to Abaqus ODB.
- acuOptiStruct
- Script to generate an OptiStruct input deck for thermal stress analysis.
- acuOut
- A GUI-based output translator to convert AcuSolve results into different formats.
- acuPbc
- Extract the build periodic BC set.
- acuPerl
- Windows .bat file to run AcuSolve perl scripts.
- acuPev
- Project EigenVectors for FLEXIBLE_BODY.
- acuPlotData
- Plot data from text files using matplotlib.
- acuPmb
- Pallas MPI Benchmark V2.2.
- acuPorous
- Simple curve-fit to get Darcy/Forch. coefficients to create porosity model inputs.
- acuPrep
- Prep the user data to be run by AcuSolve.
- acuProbe
- Plot time series solution and convergence.
- acuProj
- Project the solution to a new mesh.
- acuPython
- Run a Python script using AcuSolve's Python environment.
- acuReport
- Generate a report from a solution database.
- acuRun
- Script to run AcuPrep, AcuView and AcuSolve.
- acuRunFwh
- Script to acuFwh.
- acuRunTrace
- Compute steady particle traces.
- acuScs
- Extract simply connected sub meshes.
- acuSetNodeValue
- Set nodal values based on a user equation.
- acuSflux
- Compute flux table for SOLAR_RADIATION.
- acuSif
- Split internal faces of a mesh.
- acuSig
- Signal to AcuSolve (to output, stop, and so on.)
- acusim
- Set ACUSIM environment.
- acuSolve
- Main solver.
- acuSolve-cuda-sp
- NVIDIA GPU version of AcuSolve.
- acuSolve-rocm-sp
- AMD GPU version of AcuSolve.
- acuSpec
- Compute power spectrum using FFT or MEM.
- acuSub
- Submit an AcuSolve job to PBS/LSF/CCS queue.
- acuSurf
- Extract external surfaces of a mesh for imposing boundary conditions.
- acuTherm
- Translates the AcuSolve solution to an input file for TAITherm.
- acuTrace
- New particle tracer (run through acuRunTrace).
- acuTrace2Ensight
- Convert AcuTrace results to EnSight.
- acuTrans
- Translate AcuSolve results to other formats.
- acuTransTrace
- Translate AcuTrace results to other formats.
- acuView
- Calculate radiation view factors.