Run AcuSolve From Altair Compute Console

The Altair Compute Console provides an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) that allows you to select input files for AcuSolve runs.

It also allows you to define run options, activate multiple processor SMP and/or MPI runs. Any required environment variables for AcuSolve runs are pre-defined when the Altair Compute Console is used to submit jobs.

On Windows platforms, the Altair Compute Console can be started by choosing: Start > Altair <Version> > Compute Console.
Figure 1.

On Linux platforms, this utility can be started from your working directory as: <install_dir>/altair/scripts/acc -gui mixingElbow.inp.

For more information and to access the Altair Compute Console help, navigate to Help > Console Manual from the Altair Compute Console GUI.