Access paths options

Access the access paths options

Access paths options are available by clicking on:

This directory includes the options described in the following blocks.

User version (before V11.2)

The user has the possibility to use Flux with a user version. This version is composed by user Fortran subroutines compiled with an older Flux version prior to 11.2.

In this option, the user selects the directory path (example: Name_Directory.f3d_usr) in which is stored the user version (the corresponding dll) that he wishes to use.

Flux will start taking into account the user version chosen.

Reminder: Since the 11.2 Flux version, it is not necessary to compile in Fortran user subroutines to create a user version. The subroutines are now written in Groovy language (java) and used directly in Flux (


The user can determine the access path for the directories containing the macros and overlays (user context to easily create geometry and mesh for motors).

Coupled software

The user must identify the access path of the installation path of Matlab Simulink. In order for the Flux coupling component to be loaded into Simulink's library, the user must start the Matlab Simulink application from the interface of the supervisor options by clicking on the button .

In order to generate FMU block to import in Altair Activate, the user must specify the path to a C/C++ compiler (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat), for more informations, see: Export FMU block

To benefit of the easy start of the new iron losses model identification based on LS model (see How to start MILS), the user must specify the path to Altair Compose software (C:\Program Files\Altair\2019\Compose2019.3\Compose.bat).

This Compose script can also be defined through the environment variable INSTALLFLUXCOMPOSE.

To benefit of the Shape optimization module:
  • Install the latest version of OptiStruct2021.1 available on
  • Set the OptiStruct installation path in the Flux Supervisor > Options > Coupled software as for example C:\Program files\Altair\2021.1\hwsolvers\scripts
  • The Optistruct scripts directory can also be defined through the environment variable INSTALL_OPTISTRUCT.