Element Connections and Renumbering

Element Connection and Renumbering are basic feature for organizing the model. Element Connection is useful when there is a requirement to edit the flow direction or modifying upstream and downstream chamber of an element. Renumbering is suitable when it is required to renumber chamber/element ids. Both are useful during early construction stages of a model.

Element Connections

There are 2 major operations can be performed

  1. Reverse Element: Reverse Element is for changing the direction of Flow element. User need to select the entity in GUI (by Left clicking on the element, the element connection reverses) or provide Element number inside the Element Number box but need not to select upstream and downstream chamber.

  2. Reconnect Chambers: Reconnect Element is for modifying element properties with new upstream and/or downstream chamber. Users need to provide Element number inside the Element Number box, as well as new upstream and downstream chamber.

    • Note: Users can reconnect chambers using screen operations, If the Reconnect Chambers is selected in Element Connection windows, follow this Mouse left click operations to perform Reconnection, 1st Click on Element, 2nd click on Upstream Chamber & 3rd Click on Downstream Chamber. The elements will be reconnected.


There are 3 major operations can be performed

  1. Single: Single option is used for renumbering single Flow Element/Chamber by providing existing id number and new Id number. Ex. If Item Number is 7 & New Number is 8 for chamber, after clicking apply the chamber id will be changed from 7 to 8.

  2. Resequence: Resequence is mainly for re-arranging Flow Element/chamber by providing Starting Id Number. Ex. If a model consists of chambers 3, 5, & 20 and user provided starting id as 10, after clicking Resequence the new chamber ids will be 10,11 &12.

  3. Offset: Offset is mainly for re-arranging Flow Element/chamber by providing ID offset Number. Ex. If a model consists of chambers 3, 5, & 20 and user provided ID offset Number as 100, after clicking Offset the new chamber ids will be 103,105 &120.