Add an MQTT Trigger

Under MQTT Trigger, you can define the Event or Action that will initiate the execution of your Function by using MQTT topics.
Note: As the platform offers its own MQTT broker, all the data sent to the platform (even if it is by HTTP method) is republished to the corresponding MQTT topics.

Wildcards can be used for subscribing to multiple MQTT topics simultaneously. There are two types of wildcards:

  • single-level: Represented by a symbol (+). By subscribing to a topic with a single-level wildcard, the client receives all messages from any topic that contains an arbitrary string in place of the wildcard.
  • multi-level: Represented by a hash symbol (#) and must be placed as the last character in the topic, preceded by a forward slash. By subscribing to a topic with a multi-level wildcard the client receives all messages of any topic that begins with the pattern before the #.
Click + Add Topic to define the MQTT endpoint topic that will trigger the invocation of the Function.