

vtk_bar_chart [OPTIONS] <DATALIST>

Generate a GIF file representing either a bar chart. 
The data can be in the form NUMBER or NUMBER:LABEL. 
If no label is shown, then the empty label is used. 

* -w 		N          Width of image (400 pixels) 
* -h 		N          Height of image (400 pixels) 
* -d    		       Print data instead of label on X axis 
* -s 		N          Limit Display data: to N data items, sum remainder in data[N+1] 
* -t 		X          Create Tcl array named as N containing color map for entries 
* -f 		X          Name of output GIF file (\"out.gif\") 
* -title 	X 	       Specify a title to be drawn at the top of the image 
* -xtitle 	x   	   Specify a title to be drawn for the x axis 
* -ytitle 	xtitle     Specify a title to be drawn for the y axis 
* -firstred     	   Force first bar to be red 
* -allred       	   Force all bars to be red 
* -allgreen     	   Force all bars to be green (-firstred takes precedence) 
* -allblue      	   Force all bars to be blue (-firstred takes precedence) 


vtk_bar_chart -w 800 -h 400 -f mygraph.gif 10 20 30 44 55
vtk_bar_chart -w 800 -h 400 -f mygraph.gif 10:us 20:eu 30:ch 44:jp 55:ru