


Usage         vtk_acl_op objectId command agent actionList

Description   This procedure is used to manage object ACLs.

ADMIN          - All users that have been assigned as project administrators
LEADER         - All users that have been assigned as project leaders
EVERYBODY      - All users in the system
OWNER          - The project owner
HOST    <name> - All users coming from a specific host
USER    <name> - A specific user
OSGROUP <name> - All users in a specific OS group
FSGROUP <name> - All users in a specific FairShare group

GET    - Get current ACLs on an object
RESET  - Reset ACLs on an object to defaults
APPEND - Appends ACLs to existing ACLs an object
SET    - Sets ACLs on an object. Existing ACLs are replaced.
DELETE - Delete an ACL action or element from an object.
TEST   - Test if the object grants permissions to the given user.

vtk_acl_op 012345 GET                           - Get current ACLs on 012345
vtk_acl_op 012345 RESET                         - Reset ACLs on 012345 to defaults
vtk_acl_op 012345 APPEND ADMIN { RETRACE STOP } - All admin users can retrace or stop 012345
vtk_acl_op 012345 APPEND HOST pluto { SUSPEND } - All users on host pluto can suspend 012345
vtk_acl_op 012345 APPEND USER john    DELEGATE  - User john can assign ACLs on 012345
vtk_acl_op 012345 APPEND USER john     ALL      - User john can do all.
vtk_acl_op 012345 APPEND OSGROUP proja VIEW     - All users in OS group proja can view properties on 012345

ATTACH   - Create a relationship between objects
DETACH   - Destroy a relationship between objects
EDIT     - Edit properties of an object
VIEW     - View properties of an object
RETRACE  - Retrace an object
STOP     - Stop an object
SUSPEND  - Suspend an object
FORGET   - Forget an object
DELEGATE - Assign ACLs on an object

Returns       string showing modified ACL,
or an error string, one of "Illegal id", "Acl Denied" "Unsecured object"