Miscellaneous topics

1. Script for filling the slots

From the drop-down menu available on the left top part of Motor Factory, it is possible to open a “Debug” dialog box, in which the script commands can be written and executed.

A new command dedicated to the slot filling has been implemented. It allows to define and apply the geometric slot filling (height filling factor).

Here is the definition, Geometric fill factor = Height filling factor

Definition of the geometric fill factor = Height filling factor

The script command is:


In this example, the goal is to find the wire diameter, which allows to define a geometric fill factor equal to 0.65 by considering a coil built with 12 turns and 4 wires in hand (in parallel).

Debug dialog box to execute the script commands

Result, one gets while applying the above command
Note: This script command can run for tooth winding slot a well. In that case the definition of the geometric fill factor = Height filling factor, can be illustrated as below:

Definition of the geometric fill factor for the tooth winding = Height filling factor

Result one gets while applying the command below: setDiameterBasedOnGeometricalFillFactor(geoFF=0.55,noTurnsPerCoil=12,noWiresInHand=4)

2. Feasibility of the winding architecture and the slot filling

For information, a script command (isWindingValid()) allows to know if the winding is feasible or not.

This is useful from the winding architecture point of view and for the slot filling as well. This command will be able to be used inside an optimization process to select only the relevant winding configurations for example.