Management of parts

1. Main areas

Here are the main zones that compose “PARTS” environment of the Part library.

Zones of Part library – PARTS area view
Zone 1 Part Library has two main environments: LIBRARY and PARTS When PARTS is selected = Blue color PARTS environment of Part Library is displayed.Three main functions are available from the top of this panel: · Create a new library, · Load a library · Set library as favorite See the section “management of libraries” for more information.
Zone 2 Reference libraries are available. Selections of libraries must be done in this field.

Slots, Magnets or Bars of these libraries are read only.However, they can be copied and moved in user’s libraries.

Zone 3 User’s libraries. Selections of libraries must be done in this field.

The users can create new libraries. See the process in the chapter “Reference commands”

Zone 4 Visualization of all the parts (thumbnails) stored in the selected library.

Clicking on one thumbnail allows displaying the corresponding part on the central area (5).

Zone 4* The parts can be displayed as a slide show, as a list or as a matrix view of pictures.
Zone 5 Visualization of the selected part.
Zone 6 Tools to manage the parts: Edit, New, Duplicate, Import or Delete part.
Zone 7 Tools to manage the comparison between parts – Access to the comparator.
Zone 8 It is possible to attach documents to the selected library (pictures, pdf files, etc.).