General Concept

MASC is fully integrated into AMan.

Project File Versus Antenna Pattern

You have to define the scenario and the antennas used in the configuration together with all other parameters. All these settings are saved in a project file with the extension, .ank.

The menu File > New Multiple Antenna Config allows the user to initiate a new MASC project.

With File > Save and Save as allows you to save the project in a, .ank file.

A MASC project can be loaded using the menu File > Open Multiple Antenna Config.
Figure 1. Handling of MASC projects.

The MASC project (.ank) and the resulting antenna pattern are different files.

In the MASC project, only the configuration is described. The resulting antenna pattern is independent of the project settings and must be saved separately by means of the menu Multiple Antenna Config > Save Antenna Pattern.

In the menu, Multiple Antenna Config the item Save Scenario (3D Indoor Data) is also available. With this item, the generated objects (masts, walls, arms, radomes) are exported in WallMan data format to be further processed and analyzed with WallMan.

Figure 2. Saving antenna patterns.