Positioning of Elements

The objects describing the scenario must be positioned relative to one another. This can be defined via x-y-z-coordinates in the coordinate system. As this can be complicated, MASC generates the coordinates automatically after requesting some simple parameters from the user. All user entered values are values relative to the border of the wall, mast or arm.

Arms (At Masts)

The arms are starting inside the mast (inner circle of the polygon) to guarantee that there are no gaps between mast and arm which would have a significant influence on the accuracy of the pattern.
Figure 1. Top view of real and modeled mast including the inner circle of the modeled mast (and four arms).

Both arms are horizontal and are oriented radial towards the center of the mast. The distance a between the two arms as well as the height h at the mast can be defined.
Figure 2. Vertical positioning of arms at the mast.

Arms (At Walls)

Both arms are horizontal and orthogonal to the wall. You can define the distance between the arms and the distance of the arms from the borders of the wall.

Origin of the coordinate system is the lower-left corner of the wall.
Figure 3. Positioning of the arms on the wall.

Tube (Vertical)

The vertical tube is always fixed in front of the two arms. Its vertical center is on the height exactly between the two arms.


Sub-arms are optional. If they are used, they are always fixed at the tube. Similar to the arms, the distance between the sub-arms is also user defined. The sub-arms are vertically centered to the tube. Their azimuth orientation is defined by the user and is similar to the azimuth of the antenna itself.


Omni, as well as sector radomes (for example, circular and rectangular cross-section), are mounted directly at the sub-arms (if used) or at the tube (if no sub-arms are used).