Package Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors
Semiconductor devices and model cards


This package contains both the semiconductor devices models of SPICE3, which are available, and their modelcards. The user should apply the models of this package.

All models of this package extend models of the package Repository, which contains the functions, parameters and data which are necessary to model the behaviour of the semiconductor devices. The modelcard records contain the SPICE3 technology parameters, which can be adjusted for more than one MOS simultaneously.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

C_CapacitorSemiconductor capacitor
D_DIODEDiode model
J_NJFJFETN-channel Junction Field-Effect Transistor model (JFET)
J_PJFJFETP-channel Junction Field-Effect Transistor model (JFET)
ModelcardBJTRecord for the specification of modelcard parameters
ModelcardCAPACITORRecord for the specification of modelcard parameters for Semiconductor Capacitor
ModelcardDIODERecord for the specification of modelcard parameters
ModelcardJFETRecord for the specification of modelcard parameters for JFET
ModelcardMOSRecord for the specification of modelcard parameters
ModelcardMOS2Record for the specification of modelcard parameters
ModelcardRESISTORRecord for the specification of modelcard parameters
Q_NPNBJTBipolar junction transistor
Q_PNPBJTBipolar junction transistor
R_ResistorSemiconductor resistor from SPICE3

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​M_PMOS


The model M_PMOS is a P channel MOSFET transistor with fixed level 1: Shichman-Hodges model

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Repository where all functions,

records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models.

The package Semiconductors is for user access but not the package Repository.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​MOS (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor).


final Integermtype1MOSFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel
AreaAD0Area of the drain diffusion
AreaAS0Area of the source diffusion
LengthPD0Perimeter of the drain junction
LengthPS0Perimeter of the source junction
RealNRD1Number of squares of the drain diffusions
RealNRS1Number of squares of the source diffusions
IntegerOFF0Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC Initial condition values, not implemented yet
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
ModelcardMOSmodelcard MOSFET modelcard
final Mos1ModelLineParamspMos1.mos1RenameParameters(modelcard, C)Model line parameters
final MosfetmMos1.mos1RenameParametersDev(modelcard, mtype, W, L, AS, AS, PD, PS, NRD, NRS, OFF, IC, TEMP)Renamed parameters
final Integerm_typeif 0.5 < m.m_bPMOS then -1 else 1Type of the transistor
final MosModelLineVariablesvpMos1.mos1ModelLineParamsInitEquations(p, C, m_type)Model line variables
final Mos1Calcc1Mos.mosCalcInitEquations(p, C, vp, m)Precalculated parameters
final Mos1Calcc2Mos.mosCalcCalcTempDependencies(p, C, vp, m, c1, m_type)Precalculated parameters


PositivePinGgate node
PositivePinDdrain node
NegativePinSsource node
PositivePinBbulk node

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​M_NMOS


The model M_NMOS is a N channel MOSFET transistor with fixed level 1: Shichman-Hodges model

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Repository where all functions,

records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models.

The package Semiconductors is for user access but not the package Repository.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​MOS (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor).


final Integermtype0MOSFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel
AreaAD0Area of the drain diffusion
AreaAS0Area of the source diffusion
LengthPD0Perimeter of the drain junction
LengthPS0Perimeter of the source junction
RealNRD1Number of squares of the drain diffusions
RealNRS1Number of squares of the source diffusions
IntegerOFF0Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC Initial condition values, not implemented yet
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
ModelcardMOSmodelcard MOSFET modelcard
final Mos1ModelLineParamspMos1.mos1RenameParameters(modelcard, C)Model line parameters
final MosfetmMos1.mos1RenameParametersDev(modelcard, mtype, W, L, AS, AS, PD, PS, NRD, NRS, OFF, IC, TEMP)Renamed parameters
final Integerm_typeif 0.5 < m.m_bPMOS then -1 else 1Type of the transistor
final MosModelLineVariablesvpMos1.mos1ModelLineParamsInitEquations(p, C, m_type)Model line variables
final Mos1Calcc1Mos.mosCalcInitEquations(p, C, vp, m)Precalculated parameters
final Mos1Calcc2Mos.mosCalcCalcTempDependencies(p, C, vp, m, c1, m_type)Precalculated parameters


PositivePinGgate node
PositivePinDdrain node
NegativePinSsource node
PositivePinBbulk node

Record Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​ModelcardMOS
Record for the specification of modelcard parameters


Technology model parameters of MOSFET transistor with fixed level 1: Shichman-Hodges model

In modelcards, that are typical for SPICE3, the so called technology parameters are stored. These parameters are usually set for more than one semiconductor device in a circuit, e.g., the temperature of a whole electrical circuit.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records) and Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​ModelcardMOS (Record with technology parameters (.model)).


parameter VoltageVTOZero-bias threshold voltage, default 0
parameter TransconductanceKPTransconductance parameter, default 2e-5
parameter RealGAMMABulk threshold parameter, default 0
parameter VoltagePHISurface potential, default 0.6
parameter InversePotentialLAMBDAChannel-length modulation, default 0
parameter ResistanceRDDrain ohmic resistance, default 0
parameter ResistanceRSSource ohmic resistance, default 0
parameter CapacitanceCBDZero-bias B-D junction capacitance, default 0
parameter CapacitanceCBSZero-bias B-S junction capacitance, default 0
parameter CurrentISBulk junction saturation current
parameter VoltagePBBulk junction potential
parameter PermittivityCGSOGate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width
parameter PermittivityCGDOGate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width
parameter PermittivityCGBOGate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel width
parameter ResistanceRSHDrain and source diffusion sheet resistance
parameter CapacitancePerAreaCJZero-bias bulk junction bottom cap. per sq-meter of junction area
parameter RealMJBulk junction bottom grading coefficient
parameter PermittivityCJSWZero-bias junction sidewall cap. per meter of junction perimeter
parameter RealMJSWBulk junction sidewall grading coefficient
parameter CurrentDensityJSBulk junction saturation current per sq-meter of junction area
parameter LengthTOXOxide thickness, default 1e-7
parameter RealNSUBSubstrate doping, default 0
parameter PerArea_cmNSSSurface state density
parameter RealTPGType of gate material: +1 opp. to substrate, -1 same as substrate, 0 Al gate
parameter LengthLDLateral diffusion
parameter Area_cmPerVoltageSecondUOSurface mobility
parameter RealKFFlicker noise coefficient
parameter RealAFFlicker noise exponent
parameter RealFCCoefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula
parameter Temp_CTNOMParameter measurement temperature, default 27
constant IntegerLEVELModel level: Shichman-Hodges

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​M_NMOS2


The model M_NMOS is a N channel MOSFET transistor with fixed level 2:

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Internal where all functions,

records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models.

The package Semiconductors is for user access but not the package Internal.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​MOS2 (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor).


final Integermtype0MOSFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel
AreaAD0Area of the drain diffusion
AreaAS0Area of the source diffusion
LengthPD0Perimeter of the drain junction
LengthPS0Perimeter of the source junction
RealNRD1Number of squares of the drain diffusions
RealNRS1Number of squares of the source diffusions
IntegerOFF0Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC_VDS-1e+40Initial condition value (VDS, not implemented yet)
VoltageIC_VGS-1e+40Initial condition value (VGS, not implemented yet)
VoltageIC_VBS-1e+40Initial condition value (VBS, not implemented yet)
BooleanUICfalseUse initial conditions: true, if initial condition is used
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
ModelcardMOS2modelcard MOSFET modelcard
final Mos2ModelLineParamspSpice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2RenameParametersRevised(modelcard)Model line parameters
final MosfetmSpice3.Internal.Mosfet.mosfetRenameParametersDev(W, L, AD, AS, PD, PS, NRD, NRS, OFF, IC_VDS, IC_VGS, IC_VBS, UIC, TEMP)Renamed parameters
final Mosfetm1Spice3.Internal.Mosfet.mosfetInitEquations(m) 
final Integerm_typeif 0.5 < m.m_bPMOS then -1 else 1Type of the transistor
final Mos2ModelLineParamsp1Spice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquationsRevised(p, m_type)Model line variables
final Mos2Calcc11Spice3.Internal.Mos.mos2CalcInitEquationsRevised(p1, m1)Precalculated parameters
final Mos2Calcc22Spice3.Internal.Mos.mos2CalcCalcTempDependenciesRevised(p1, m1, c11, m_type)Precalculated parameters
VoltageIC Initial condition values, not implemented yet
final Mos2ModelLineVariablesvpSpice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquations(p, C, m_type)Model line variables
final Mos2Calcc1Spice3.Internal.Mos.mos2CalcInitEquations(p, C, vp, m)Precalculated parameters
final Mos2Calcc2Spice3.Internal.Mos.mos2CalcCalcTempDependencies(p, C, vp, m, c1, m_type)Precalculated parameters
final Mos2ModelLineParamsp_obsoleteSpice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2RenameParameters(modelcard, C)Model line parameters


PositivePinGgate node
PositivePinDdrain node
NegativePinSsource node
PositivePinBbulk node

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​M_PMOS2


The model M_PMOS is a P channel MOSFET transistor with fixed level 2:

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Internal where all functions,

records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models.

The package Semiconductors is for user access but not the package Internal.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​MOS2 (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor).


final Integermtype1MOSFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel
AreaAD0Area of the drain diffusion
AreaAS0Area of the source diffusion
LengthPD0Perimeter of the drain junction
LengthPS0Perimeter of the source junction
RealNRD1Number of squares of the drain diffusions
RealNRS1Number of squares of the source diffusions
IntegerOFF0Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC_VDS-1e+40Initial condition value (VDS, not implemented yet)
VoltageIC_VGS-1e+40Initial condition value (VGS, not implemented yet)
VoltageIC_VBS-1e+40Initial condition value (VBS, not implemented yet)
BooleanUICfalseUse initial conditions: true, if initial condition is used
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
ModelcardMOS2modelcard MOSFET modelcard
final Mos2ModelLineParamspSpice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2RenameParametersRevised(modelcard)Model line parameters
final MosfetmSpice3.Internal.Mosfet.mosfetRenameParametersDev(W, L, AD, AS, PD, PS, NRD, NRS, OFF, IC_VDS, IC_VGS, IC_VBS, UIC, TEMP)Renamed parameters
final Mosfetm1Spice3.Internal.Mosfet.mosfetInitEquations(m) 
final Integerm_typeif 0.5 < m.m_bPMOS then -1 else 1Type of the transistor
final Mos2ModelLineParamsp1Spice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquationsRevised(p, m_type)Model line variables
final Mos2Calcc11Spice3.Internal.Mos.mos2CalcInitEquationsRevised(p1, m1)Precalculated parameters
final Mos2Calcc22Spice3.Internal.Mos.mos2CalcCalcTempDependenciesRevised(p1, m1, c11, m_type)Precalculated parameters
VoltageIC Initial condition values, not implemented yet
final Mos2ModelLineVariablesvpSpice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquations(p, C, m_type)Model line variables
final Mos2Calcc1Spice3.Internal.Mos.mos2CalcInitEquations(p, C, vp, m)Precalculated parameters
final Mos2Calcc2Spice3.Internal.Mos.mos2CalcCalcTempDependencies(p, C, vp, m, c1, m_type)Precalculated parameters
final Mos2ModelLineParamsp_obsoleteSpice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2RenameParameters(modelcard, C)Model line parameters


PositivePinGgate node
PositivePinDdrain node
NegativePinSsource node
PositivePinBbulk node

Record Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​ModelcardMOS2
Record for the specification of modelcard parameters


Technology model parameters of MOSFET transistor with fixed level 1: Shichman-Hodges model

In modelcards, that are typical for SPICE3, the so called technology parameters are stored. These parameters are usually set for more than one semiconductor device in a circuit, e.g., the temperature of a whole electrical circuit.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records) and Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​ModelcardMOS2 (Record with technology parameters (.model)).


parameter VoltageVTOZero-bias threshold voltage, default 0
parameter TransconductanceKPTransconductance parameter, default 2e-5
parameter RealGAMMABulk threshold parameter, default 0
parameter VoltagePHISurface potential, default 0.6
parameter InversePotentialLAMBDAChannel-length modulation, default 0
parameter ResistanceRDDrain ohmic resistance, default 0
parameter ResistanceRSSource ohmic resistance, default 0
parameter CapacitanceCBDZero-bias B-D junction capacitance, default 0
parameter CapacitanceCBSZero-bias B-S junction capacitance, default 0
parameter CurrentISBulk junction saturation current
parameter VoltagePBBulk junction potential
parameter PermittivityCGSOGate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width
parameter PermittivityCGDOGate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width
parameter PermittivityCGBOGate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel width
parameter ResistanceRSHDrain and source diffusion sheet resistance
parameter CapacitancePerAreaCJZero-bias bulk junction bottom cap. per sq-meter of junction area
parameter RealMJBulk junction bottom grading coefficient
parameter PermittivityCJSWZero-bias junction sidewall cap. per meter of junction perimeter
parameter RealMJSWBulk junction sidewall grading coefficient
parameter CurrentDensityJSBulk junction saturation current per sq-meter of junction area
parameter LengthTOXOxide thickness, default 1e-7
parameter RealNSUBSubstrate doping, default 0
parameter PerArea_cmNSSSurface state density
parameter RealTPGType of gate material: +1 opp. to substrate, -1 same as substrate, 0 Al gate
parameter LengthLDLateral diffusion
parameter Area_cmPerVoltageSecondUOSurface mobility
parameter RealKFFlicker noise coefficient
parameter RealAFFlicker noise exponent
parameter RealFCCoefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula
parameter Temp_CTNOMParameter measurement temperature, default 27
constant IntegerLEVELModel level: Shichman-Hodges
parameter PerArea_cmNFSFast surface state density
parameter LengthXJMetallurgical junction depth
parameter ElectricFieldStrength_cmUCRITCritical field for mobility degradation (MOS2 only)
parameter RealUEXPCritical field exponent in mobility degradation (MOS2 only)
parameter VelocityVMAXMaximum drift velocity of carries
parameter RealNEFFTotal channel charge (fixed and mobile) coefficient (MOS2 only)
parameter RealDELTAWidth effect on threshold voltage

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​Q_NPNBJT
Bipolar junction transistor


The model Q_NPNBJT is a NPN bipolar junction transistor model: Modified Gummel-Poon.

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Internal where all functions,

records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models.

The package Semiconductors is for user access but not the package Internal.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​BJT2 (Bipolar junction transistor).


BooleanuseSubstrateNodefalse=true, if SubstrateNode is enabled
final RealTBJT1Type of transistor (NPN=1, PNP=-1)
RealAREA1Area factor
BooleanOFFfalseOptional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC_VBE-1e+40Initial condition value (VBC, not implemented yet)
VoltageIC_VCE-1e+40Initial condition value (VBE, not implemented yet)
BooleanUICfalseUse initial conditions: true, if initial condition is used
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
BooleanSENS_AREAfalseFlag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet
ModelcardBJT2modelcard BJT modelcard
final BjtModelLineParamspSpice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtRenameParameters(modelcard, TBJT)Model line parameters
final BjtdevSpice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtRenameParametersDev(AREA, OFF, IC_VBE, IC_VCE, UIC, SENS_AREA, TEMP)Renamed parameters
final BjtModelLineParamsp1Spice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtModelLineInitEquations(p)Model line variables
final Bjtdev1Spice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtInitEquations(dev, p1)Precalculated parameters
final BjtCalccSpice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtCalcTempDependencies(dev1, p1)Precalculated parameters


PositivePinBBase node
PositivePinCCollector node
NegativePinEEmitter node

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​Q_PNPBJT
Bipolar junction transistor


The model Q_PNPBJT is a PNP bipolar junction transistor model: Modified Gummel-Poon.

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Internal where all functions,

records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models.

The package Semiconductors is for user access but not the package Internal.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​BJT2 (Bipolar junction transistor).


BooleanuseSubstrateNodefalse=true, if SubstrateNode is enabled
final RealTBJT-1Type of transistor (NPN=1, PNP=-1)
RealAREA1Area factor
BooleanOFFfalseOptional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC_VBE-1e+40Initial condition value (VBC, not implemented yet)
VoltageIC_VCE-1e+40Initial condition value (VBE, not implemented yet)
BooleanUICfalseUse initial conditions: true, if initial condition is used
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
BooleanSENS_AREAfalseFlag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet
ModelcardBJT2modelcard BJT modelcard
final BjtModelLineParamspSpice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtRenameParameters(modelcard, TBJT)Model line parameters
final BjtdevSpice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtRenameParametersDev(AREA, OFF, IC_VBE, IC_VCE, UIC, SENS_AREA, TEMP)Renamed parameters
final BjtModelLineParamsp1Spice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtModelLineInitEquations(p)Model line variables
final Bjtdev1Spice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtInitEquations(dev, p1)Precalculated parameters
final BjtCalccSpice3.Internal.Bjt.bjtCalcTempDependencies(dev1, p1)Precalculated parameters


PositivePinBBase node
PositivePinCCollector node
NegativePinEEmitter node

Record Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​ModelcardBJT
Record for the specification of modelcard parameters


In modelcards, that are typical for SPICE3, the so called technology parameters are stored. These parameters are usually set for more than one semiconductor device in a circuit, e.g., the temperature of a whole electrical circuit.

Technology parameters of the modified Gummel-Poon bipolar junction transistor model

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records) and Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​ModelcardBJT2 (Record with technology parameters (.model)).


parameter Temp_CTNOMParameter measurement temperature
parameter CurrentISTransport saturation current
parameter RealBFIdeal maximum forward beta F
parameter RealNFForward current emission coefficientF
parameter RealNEB-E leakage emission coefficient
parameter CurrentISEB-E leakage saturation current, default = 0
constant RealC2Obsolete parameter name, default = 0
parameter CurrentISCB-C leakage saturation current, default = 0
constant RealC4Obsolete parameter name, default = 0
parameter RealBRIdeal maximum reverse beta
parameter RealNRReverse current emission coefficient
parameter RealNCB-C leakage emission coefficient
parameter VoltageVAFForward Early voltage
parameter CurrentIKFForward beta roll-off corner current
parameter VoltageVARReverse Early voltage
parameter CurrentIKRReverse beta roll-off corner current
parameter ResistanceREEmitter resistance
parameter ResistanceRCCollector resistance
parameter CurrentIRBCurrent for base resistance = (rb+rbm)/2
parameter ResistanceRBZero bias base resistance
parameter ResistanceRBMMinimum base resistance, default = 0.0
parameter CapacitanceCJEZero bias B-E depletion capacitance
parameter VoltageVJEB-E built in potential
parameter RealMJEB-E junction exponential factor
parameter TimeTFIdeal forward transit time
parameter RealXTFCoefficient for bias dependence of TF
parameter CurrentITFHigh current dependence of TF,
parameter VoltageVTFVoltage giving VBC dependence of TF
parameter FrequencyPTFExcess phase at freq=1/(TF*2*Pi) Hz
parameter CapacitanceCJCZero bias B-C depletion capacitance
parameter VoltageVJCB-C built in potential
parameter RealMJCB-C junction grading coefficient
parameter RealXCJCFraction of B-C cap to internal base
parameter TimeTRIdeal reverse transit time
parameter CapacitanceCJSZero bias C-S capacitance
parameter VoltageVJSSubstrate junction built-in potential
parameter RealMJSSubstrate junction grading coefficient
parameter RealXTBForward and reverse beta temperature exponent
parameter GapEnergyEGEnergy gap for IS temperature effect on IS
parameter RealXTITemperature exponent for IS
parameter RealKFFlicker Noise Coefficient
parameter RealAFFlicker Noise Exponent
parameter RealFCForward bias junction fit parameter

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​J_PJFJFET
P-channel Junction Field-Effect Transistor model (JFET)


J_PJFJFET is a P-channel junction field-effect transistor.

The junction field-effect transistor is derived from the FET model of Shichman and Hodges.

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Internal where all functions, records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models. The package Semiconductors is for user access, but not the package Internal.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​JFET (Junction Field-Effect Transistor).


final Integermtype1JFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel
RealAREA Number of parallel connected identical elements
BooleanOFFfalseOptional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC_VDS-1e+40Initial condition value (VDS, not implemented yet)
VoltageIC_VGS-1e+40Initial condition value (VGS, not implemented yet)
BooleanUICfalseUse initial conditions: true, if initial condition is used
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
ModelcardJFETmodelcard JFET modelcard
final JfetModelLinepModelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Jfet.jfetRenameParameters(modelcard)Model line parameters
final FetmModelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Fet.fetRenameParametersDev(AREA, OFF, IC_VDS, IC_VGS, UIC, TEMP)Renamed parameters
final Integerm_typeif 0.5 < mtype then -1 else 1Type of the transistor
final JfetModelLinep1Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Jfet.jfetInitEquations(m, p)Precalculated parameters
final JfetModelLinep2Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Jfet.jfetModelLineInitEquations(p1)Model line variables
final Fetm1Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Jfet.jfetCalcTempDependencies(m, p2)Precalculated parameters


PositivePinGgate node
PositivePinDdrain node
NegativePinSsource node

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​J_NJFJFET
N-channel Junction Field-Effect Transistor model (JFET)


J_NJFJFET is a N-channel junction field-effect transistor.

The junction field-effect transistor is derived from the FET model of Shichman and Hodges.

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Internal where all functions, records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models. The package Semiconductors is for user access, but not the package Internal.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​JFET (Junction Field-Effect Transistor).


final Integermtype0JFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel
RealAREA Number of parallel connected identical elements
BooleanOFFfalseOptional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC_VDS-1e+40Initial condition value (VDS, not implemented yet)
VoltageIC_VGS-1e+40Initial condition value (VGS, not implemented yet)
BooleanUICfalseUse initial conditions: true, if initial condition is used
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
ModelcardJFETmodelcard JFET modelcard
final JfetModelLinepModelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Jfet.jfetRenameParameters(modelcard)Model line parameters
final FetmModelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Fet.fetRenameParametersDev(AREA, OFF, IC_VDS, IC_VGS, UIC, TEMP)Renamed parameters
final Integerm_typeif 0.5 < mtype then -1 else 1Type of the transistor
final JfetModelLinep1Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Jfet.jfetInitEquations(m, p)Precalculated parameters
final JfetModelLinep2Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Jfet.jfetModelLineInitEquations(p1)Model line variables
final Fetm1Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Jfet.jfetCalcTempDependencies(m, p2)Precalculated parameters


PositivePinGgate node
PositivePinDdrain node
NegativePinSsource node

Record Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​ModelcardJFET
Record for the specification of modelcard parameters for JFET


Technology parameters of the junction field-effect transistor model.

In modelcards, that are typical for SPICE3, the so called technology parameters are stored. These parameters are usually set for more than one semiconductor device in a circuit, e.g., the temperature of a whole electrical circuit.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records) and Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​ModelcardJFET (Record with technology parameters (.model)).


parameter CapacitanceCGSZero-bias G-S junction capacitance, default 0
parameter CapacitanceCGDZero-bias G-D junction capacitance, default 0
parameter CurrentISSaturation current of pn junctions
parameter RealFCCoefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula
parameter ResistanceRDDrain ohmic resistance, default 0
parameter ResistanceRSSource ohmic resistance, default 0
parameter Temp_CTNOMParameter measurement temperature
parameter VoltageVTOZero-bias threshold voltage, default -2
parameter InversePotentialBDotierungsverlauf parameter, default 1
parameter RealBETAOutput admittance parameter, default 1e-4
parameter InversePotentialLAMBDAChannel-length modulation, default 0
parameter VoltagePBJunction potential of pn junctions
parameter RealAFFlicker noise exponent
parameter RealKFFlicker noise coefficient

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​D_DIODE
Diode model


The model D_DIODE is a Junction diode model

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Repository where all functions,

records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models.

The package Semiconductors is for user access but not the package Repository.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​DIODE (Diode model).


RealAREA1Area factor
BooleanOFFfalseOptional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC Initial condition value (VD, not implemented yet
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
BooleanSENS_AREA Flag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet
ModelcardDIODEmodelcarddiode DIODE modelcard
final DiodeModelLineParamsparamDiode.diodeRenameParameters(modelcarddiode, C)Model line parameters
final DiodeParamsdpDiode.diodeRenameParametersDev(TEMP, AREA, IC, OFF, SENS_AREA)Renamed parameters
final ModelmDiode.diodeRenameParametersDevTemp(TEMP)Renamed parameters
final DiodeVariablesc1Diode.diodeInitEquations(param)Precalculated values
final DiodeCalcc2Diode.diodeCalcTempDependencies(param, dp, m, c1)Precalculated values
BooleannoCJparam.m_junctionCap == 0 and param.m_transitTime == 0 


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin

Record Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​ModelcardDIODE
Record for the specification of modelcard parameters


In modelcards, that are typical for SPICE3, the so called technology parameters are stored. These parameters are usually set for more than one semiconductor device in a circuit, e.g., the temperature of a whole electrical circuit.

Technology parameters of the junction diode model

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records) and Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​ModelcardDIODE (Record with technology parameters (.model)).


parameter CurrentISSaturation Current
parameter ResistanceRSOhmic resistance
parameter RealNEmission coefficient
parameter TimeTTTransit time
parameter CapacitanceCJOJunction capacitance
parameter VoltageVJJunction Potential
parameter RealMGrading coefficient
parameter ActivationEnergyEGActivation Energy
parameter RealXTISaturation current temperature exponent
parameter RealFCForward bias junction fit parameter
parameter VoltageBVReverse breakdown voltage, default infinity
parameter CurrentIBVCurrent at reverse breakdown voltage
parameter Temp_CTNOMParameter measurement temperature
parameter RealKFFlicker noise coefficient
parameter RealAFFlicker noise exponent
parameter ConductanceGOhmic conductance

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​R_Resistor
Semiconductor resistor from SPICE3


The model R_Resistor is a Semiconductor resistor model.

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Repository where all functions,

records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models.

The package Semiconductors is for user access but not the package Repository.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​R_SEMI (Semiconductor resistor).


ResistanceR-1e+40Resistance, if specified, geometrical information is overwritten
Temp_CTEMP-1e+40Temperature of resistor
LengthL-1e+40Length of the resistor
LengthW-1e+40Width of the resistor, default DEFW (modelcard)
BooleanSENS_AREAfalseParameter for sensitivity analyses, not implemented yet
ModelcardRmodelcard Resistor modelcard
final ResistorModelLineParamslpRsemiconductor.resistorRenameParameters(modelcard, C)Model Line Parameters
final ResistorParamsrpRsemiconductor.resistorRenameParametersDev(R, W, L, TEMP, SENS_AREA, C)Renamed parameters


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin

Record Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​ModelcardRESISTOR
Record for the specification of modelcard parameters


In modelcards, that are typical for SPICE3, the so called technology parameters are stored. These parameters are usually set for more than one semiconductor device in a circuit, e.g., the temperature of a whole electrical circuit.

Technology parameters of the semiconductor resistor model

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records) and Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​ModelcardR (Record with technology parameters (.model)).


parameter LinearTemperatureCoefficientResistanceTC1First order temperature coefficient
parameter QuadraticTemperatureCoefficientResistanceTC2Second order temperature coefficient
parameter ResistanceRSHSheet resistance
parameter Temp_CTNOMParameter measurement temperature, default 27
parameter LengthDEFWDefault device width
parameter LengthNARROWNarrowing of resistor due to side etching

Model Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​C_Capacitor
Semiconductor capacitor


C_Capacitor is a Semiconductor Capacitor model.

This capacitor model allows the calculation of the actual capacitance value from strictly geometric information and the specification of the process.

The models from the package Semiconductors accesses to the package Repository where all functions, records and data are stored and modeled that are needed for the semiconductor models. The package Semiconductors is for user access, but not the package Repository.

Extends from Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​C_SEMI (Semiconductor capacitor).


CapacitanceC-1e+40Capacitance, if specified, geometrical information is overwritten
Temp_CTEMP27Temperature of capacitor
LengthL Length of the capacitor
LengthW-1e+40Width of the capacitor, default DEFW (modelcard)
BooleanSENS_AREAfalseParameter for sensitivity analyses, not implemented yet
VoltageIC0Initial value
BooleanUICfalseUse initial conditions: true, if initial condition is used
ModelcardCmodelcard Capacitor modelcard
final CapacitorModelLineParamslpModelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Csemiconductor.capacitorRenameParameters(modelcard)Model Line Parameters
final CapacitorcpModelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Csemiconductor.capacitorRenameParametersDev(C, W, L, TEMP, SENS_AREA, lp)Renamed parameters


PositivePinpPositive electrical pin
NegativePinnNegative electrical pin

Record Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Semiconductors.​ModelcardCAPACITOR
Record for the specification of modelcard parameters for Semiconductor Capacitor


Technology parameters of the semiconductor capacitor model.

In modelcards, that are typical for SPICE3, the so called technology parameters are stored. These parameters are usually set for more than one semiconductor device in a circuit, e.g., the temperature of a whole electrical circuit.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records) and Modelica.​Electrical.​Spice3.​Internal.​ModelcardC (Record with technology parameters (.model)).


parameter CapacitancePerAreaCJJunction bottom capacitance F/meters2
parameter PermittivityCJSWJunction sidewall capacitance F/meters
parameter LengthDEFWDefault device width
parameter LengthNARROWNarrowing due to side etching