This icon shall be used for a package that contains internal classes not to be directly utilized by a user.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.InternalPackage
(Icon for an internal package (indicating that the package should not be directly utilized by user)).
Name | Description |
CurrrentsCapacitances | Currents and Capacities |
Fet | Record for Fet parameters |
FetModelLine | Record for Fet model line parameters |
fetRenameParametersDev | Device Parameter renaming to internal names |
The record Model includes the device temperature which has a default value of 27°C.
Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Model.Model
(Device Temperature).
Type | Name | Description |
Temp_K | m_dTemp | TEMP, Device Temperature |
Real | m_area | AREA, Area factor |
Boolean | m_off | OFF, Device initially off |
Voltage | m_dICVDS | IC_VDS |
Real | m_bICVDSIsGiven | IC_VDS, IsGivenValue |
Voltage | m_dICVGS | IC_VGS |
Real | m_bICVGSIsGiven | IC_VGS, IsGivenValue |
Boolean | m_uic | Use initial conditions, UIC |
Current | m_tSatCur |   |
Voltage | m_tGatePot |   |
Capacitance | m_tCGS |   |
Capacitance | m_tCGD |   |
Voltage | m_corDepCap |   |
Voltage | m_vcrit |   |
Voltage | m_f1 |   |
Real | m_f2 |   |
Real | m_f3 |   |
Voltage | m_dVt |   |
Voltage | m_vgs | Vgs, Voltage G-S |
Voltage | m_vgd | Vgd, Voltage G-D |
Voltage | m_vds | Vds |
Current | m_cgd | Igd |
Conductance | m_ggd | Ggd |
Current | m_cgs | Igs |
Conductance | m_ggs | Ggs |
Charge | m_chargegd | Qgd |
Capacitance | m_capgd | Cgd, G-D junction cap |
Charge | m_chargegs | Qgs |
Capacitance | m_capgs | Cgs, G-S junction capacitance |
Current | m_cdrain | Idrain |
Conductance | m_gm | Gm |
Conductance | m_gds | Gds |
This icon is indicates a record.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Voltage | m_threshold | VTO |
Real | m_beta | BETA |
InversePotential | m_lModulation | LAMBDA |
Resistance | m_drainResist | RD |
Resistance | m_sourceResist | RS |
Capacitance | m_capGS | CGS |
Capacitance | m_capGD | CGD |
Voltage | m_gatePotential | PB |
Current | m_gateSatCurrent | IS |
Real | m_depletionCapCoeff | FC |
Real | m_b | B |
Real | m_fNcoef | KF |
Real | m_fNexp | AF |
Conductance | m_drainConduct |   |
Conductance | m_sourceConduct |   |
Temp_K | m_tnom | TNOM |
This record CurrentsCapacities contains values for the currents and the capacities inside the model Jfet.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Current | idrain |   |
Current | iGD |   |
Current | iGS |   |
Capacitance | cGS |   |
Capacitance | cGD |   |
This icon indicates Modelica functions.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | AREA | Number of parallel connected identical elements |
Boolean | OFF | Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet |
Voltage | IC_VDS | Initial condition value VDS, not implemented yet |
Voltage | IC_VGS | Initial condition value VGS, not implemented yet |
Boolean | UIC | Use initial conditions, UIC |
Temp_C | TEMP | Temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
Fet | dev | Output record MESFET |