The package Mosfet contains all functions and records that are used for all types of Mosfet transistors in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.InternalPackage
(Icon for an internal package (indicating that the package should not be directly utilized by user)).
Name | Description |
getNumberOfElectricalPins | Number of Pins |
Mosfet | Record for Mosfet parameters |
MosfetCalc | Mosfet Variables |
mosfetInitEquations | MOSFET initial precalculations |
MosfetModelLine | Type of the transistor |
mosfetModelLineInitEquations | Type transcription |
MosfetModelLineParams | Record for Mosfet model line parameters |
mosfetRenameParametersDev | Device parameter renaming to internal names |
This record Mosfet contains parameters that are used for all types of Mosfet transistors in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Model.Model
(Device Temperature).
Type | Name | Description |
Temp_K | m_dTemp | TEMP, Device Temperature |
Length | m_len | L, length of channel region |
Length | m_width | W, width of channel region |
Area | m_drainArea | AD, area of drain diffusion |
Area | m_sourceArea | AS, area of source diffusion |
Real | m_drainSquares | NRD, length of drain in squares |
Real | m_sourceSquares | NRS, length of source in squares |
Length | m_drainPerimeter | PD, Drain perimeter |
Length | m_sourcePerimeter | PS, Source perimeter |
Voltage | m_dICVDS | IC_VDS, Initial D-S voltage |
Real | m_dICVDSIsGiven | IC_VDS, IsGivenValue |
Voltage | m_dICVGS | IC_VGS, Initial G-S voltage |
Real | m_dICVGSIsGiven | IC_VGS, IsGivenValue |
Voltage | m_dICVBS | IC_VBS, Initial B-S voltage |
Real | m_dICVBSIsGiven | IC_VBS, IsGivenValue |
Integer | m_off | Device initially off, non-zero to indicate device is off for dc analysis |
Integer | m_bPMOS | P type MOSFET model |
Integer | m_nLevel | MOS model level |
Length | m_drainPerimiter | PD, Drain perimeter |
Length | m_sourcePerimiter | PS, Source perimeter |
Boolean | m_uic |   |
This record MosfetModelLineParams contains the model line parameters that are used for all kinds of Mosfet transistors in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | m_jctSatCurDensity | JS, Bulk jct. sat. current density, input - use tSatCurDens |
Resistance | m_sheetResistance | RSH, Sheet resistance |
Real | m_bulkJctPotential | PB, Bulk junction potential, input - use tBulkPot |
LinearTemperatureCoefficient | m_bulkJctBotGradingCoeff | MJ, Bottom grading coefficient |
LinearTemperatureCoefficient | m_bulkJctSideGradingCoeff | MJSW, Side grading coefficient |
Real | m_oxideThickness | TOX, Oxide thickness unit: micron |
Real | m_oxideThicknessIsGiven | TOX, IsGiven value |
Real | m_gateSourceOverlapCapFactor | CGS0, Gate-source overlap cap |
Real | m_gateDrainOverlapCapFactor | CGD0, Gate-drain overlap cap |
Real | m_gateBulkOverlapCapFactor | CGB0, Gate-bulk overlap cap |
Real | m_fNcoef | KF, Flicker noise coefficient |
Real | m_fNexp | AF, Flicker noise exponent |
Real | m_mjswIsGiven | MJSW, IsGivenValue |
Real | m_cgsoIsGiven | CGSO, IsGivenValue |
Real | m_cgdoIsGiven | CGDO, IsGivenValue |
Real | m_cgboIsGiven | CGBO, IsGivenValue |
Real | m_pbIsGiven | PB, IsGivenValue |
This record contains only one variable and it provides the information on the transistor type (PMOS or nmos).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | m_type | device type : 1 = n, -1 = p |
This record MosfetCalc contains variables that are needed for calculation within modeling the semiconductor models.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Voltage | m_vds | Vds, Drain-Source voltage |
Voltage | m_vgs | Vgs, Gate-Source voltage |
Voltage | m_vbs | Vbs, Bulk-Source voltage |
Current | m_cbs | Ibs, B-S junction current |
Conductance | m_gbs | Gbs, Bulk-Source conductance |
Current | m_cbd | Ibd, B-D junction current |
Conductance | m_gbd | Gbd, Bulk-Drain conductance |
Current | m_cdrain | Ids |
Conductance | m_gds | Gds, Drain-Source conductance |
Transconductance | m_gm | Gm, Transconductance |
Transconductance | m_gmbs | Gmbs, Bulk-Source transconductance |
Capacitance | m_capbsb | Cbsb |
Charge | m_chargebsb | Qbsb |
Capacitance | m_capbss | Cbss |
Charge | m_chargebss | Qbss |
Capacitance | m_capbdb | Cbdb |
Charge | m_chargebdb | Qbdb |
Capacitance | m_capbds | Cbds |
Charge | m_chargebds | Qbds |
Real | m_Beta | Beta |
Capacitance | m_capGSovl | Cgso, Gate-source overlap cap. |
Capacitance | m_capGDovl | Cgdo, Gate-drain overlap cap. |
Capacitance | m_capGBovl | Cgbo, Gate-bulk overlap cap. |
Capacitance | m_capOx | Cox |
Voltage | m_von | Von, Turn-on voltage |
Voltage | m_vdsat | Vdsat |
Integer | m_mode | Mode |
Length | m_lEff |   |
Resistance | m_sourceResistance | Rs |
Resistance | m_drainResistance | Rd |
This function initially precalculates some values for transistor area which can be used for all transistor models.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Mosfet | in_m | Input parameter set |
Type | Name | Description |
Mosfet | out_m | Changed parameter set |
In this function during the initialization phase the transistor type is transcribed to another parameter for further usage.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Mosfet | in_m | Input parameter set |
Type | Name | Description |
MosfetModelLine | out_ml | Changed parameter set |
This function getNumberOfElectricalPins identifies the number of electrical pins. At the current library version it is fixed to 4.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | ret | Number of pins |
This function mos1RenameParametersDev assigns the external (given by the user) device parameters to the internal parameters. It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values (level 1).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Length | W | Channel Width |
Length | L | Channel Length |
Area | AD | Area of the drain diffusion |
Area | AS | Area of the source diffusion |
Length | PD | Perimeter of the drain junction |
Length | PS | Perimeter of the source junction |
Real | NRD | Number of squares of the drain diffusions |
Real | NRS | Number of squares of the source diffusions |
Integer | OFF | Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet |
Voltage | IC_VDS | Initial condition value VDS, not implemented yet |
Voltage | IC_VGS | Initial condition value VGS, not implemented yet |
Voltage | IC_VBS | Initial condition value VBS, not implemented yet |
Boolean | UIC | Use initial condition, UIC |
Temp_C | TEMP | Temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
Mosfet | dev | Output record Mosfet |