This package Mos2 contains functions and records with data of the MOSFET model level 2.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.InternalPackage
(Icon for an internal package (indicating that the package should not be directly utilized by user)).
Name | Description |
drainCur | Drain current calculation obsolete, use drainCurRevised |
drainCurRevised | Drain current calculation |
Mos2Calc | Further MOSFET variables (for level 2) |
Mos2ModelLineParams | Record for Mosfet model line parameters (for level 2) |
mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquations | Initial precalculation obsolete, use mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquationsRevised |
mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquationsRevised | Initial precalculation |
Mos2ModelLineVariables | Record for Mosfet model line variables (for level 2) |
mos2RenameParameters | Parameter renaming to internal names obsolete, use mos2RenameParametersRevised |
mos2RenameParametersDev | Device parameter renaming to internal names |
mos2RenameParametersRevised | Parameter renaming to internal names |
This record Mos1ModelLineParams contains the model line parameters that are used for the MOSFET transistors level 2 in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos.MosModelLineParams
(Record for Mosfet model line parameters (for level 1, 2, 3 and 6)).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | m_jctSatCurDensity | JS, Bulk jct. sat. current density, input - use tSatCurDens |
Resistance | m_sheetResistance | RSH, Sheet resistance |
Real | m_bulkJctPotential | PB, Bulk junction potential, input - use tBulkPot |
LinearTemperatureCoefficient | m_bulkJctBotGradingCoeff | MJ, Bottom grading coefficient |
LinearTemperatureCoefficient | m_bulkJctSideGradingCoeff | MJSW, Side grading coefficient |
Real | m_oxideThickness | TOX, Oxide thickness unit: micron |
Real | m_oxideThicknessIsGiven | TOX, IsGiven value |
Real | m_gateSourceOverlapCapFactor | CGS0, Gate-source overlap cap |
Real | m_gateDrainOverlapCapFactor | CGD0, Gate-drain overlap cap |
Real | m_gateBulkOverlapCapFactor | CGB0, Gate-bulk overlap cap |
Real | m_fNcoef | KF, Flicker noise coefficient |
Real | m_fNexp | AF, Flicker noise exponent |
Real | m_mjswIsGiven | MJSW, IsGivenValue |
Real | m_cgsoIsGiven | CGSO, IsGivenValue |
Real | m_cgdoIsGiven | CGDO, IsGivenValue |
Real | m_cgboIsGiven | CGBO, IsGivenValue |
Real | m_pbIsGiven | PB, IsGivenValue |
Real | m_oxideCapFactor |   |
Voltage | m_vt0 | VTO, Threshold voltage |
Real | m_vtOIsGiven | VTO IsGivenValue |
Capacitance | m_capBD | CBD, B-D junction capacitance |
Real | m_capBDIsGiven | CapBD IsGivenValue |
Capacitance | m_capBS | CBS, B-S junction capacitance |
Real | m_capBSIsGiven | CapBS IsGivenValue |
CapacitancePerArea | m_bulkCapFactor | CJ, Bottom junction cap per area |
Real | m_bulkCapFactorIsGiven | Bulk cap factor IsGivenValue |
Permittivity | m_sideWallCapFactor | CJSW, Side grading coefficient |
Real | m_fwdCapDepCoeff | FC, Forward bias junction fit parameter |
Voltage | m_phi | PHI, Surface potential |
Real | m_phiIsGiven | Phi IsGivenValue |
Voltage | m_gamma | GAMMA, Bulk threshold parameter |
Real | m_gammaIsGiven | Gamma IsGivenValue |
InversePotential | m_lambda | Channel-length modulation |
Real | m_substrateDoping | NSUB, Substrate doping |
Real | m_substrateDopingIsGiven | Substrate doping IsGivenValue |
Real | m_gateType | TPG, Gate type |
PerArea_cm | m_surfaceStateDensity | NSS, Gate type |
Real | m_surfaceStateDensityIsGiven | surfaceStateDensityIsGivenValue |
Area_cmPerVoltageSecond | m_surfaceMobility | UO, Surface mobility |
Length | m_latDiff | LD, Lateral diffusion |
Current | m_jctSatCur | IS, Bulk junction sat. current |
Resistance | m_drainResistance | RD, Drain ohmic resistance |
Real | m_drainResistanceIsGiven | Drain resistance IsGivenValue |
Resistance | m_sourceResistance | RS, Source ohmic resistance |
Real | m_sourceResistanceIsGiven | Source resistance IsGivenValue |
Transconductance | m_transconductance | input - use tTransconductance |
Real | m_transconductanceIsGiven | Transconductance IsGivenValue |
Temp_K | m_tnom | TNOM, Parameter measurement temperature |
Real | m_narrowFactor | DELTA, Width effect on threshold |
Real | m_critFieldExp | UEXP, Crit. field exp for mob. deg |
ElectricFieldStrength_cm | m_critField | UCRIT, Crit. field for mob. degradation |
Velocity | m_maxDriftVel | VMAX, Maximum carrier drift velocity |
Length | m_junctionDepth | XJ, Junction depth |
Charge | m_channelCharge | NEFF, Total channel charge coeff |
PerArea_cm | m_fastSurfaceStateDensity | NFS, Fast surface state density |
Real | m_xd |   |
This record MosModelLineVariables contains the model line variables that are used for the MOSFET transistors level 2 SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos.MosModelLineVariables
(Record for Mosfet model line variables (for level 1)).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | m_oxideCapFactor |   |
Voltage | m_vt0 |   |
Voltage | m_phi |   |
Real | m_gamma |   |
Transconductance | m_transconductance |   |
Real | m_bulkCapFactor |   |
Real | m_substrateDoping |   |
Real | m_xd |   |
This record Mos1Calc contains further MOSFET variables (for level 2) that are needed for the calculations.
Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos.MosCalc
(Further MOSFET variables (for level 1, 2, 3 and 6)).
Type | Name | Description |
Voltage | m_vds | Vds, Drain-Source voltage |
Voltage | m_vgs | Vgs, Gate-Source voltage |
Voltage | m_vbs | Vbs, Bulk-Source voltage |
Current | m_cbs | Ibs, B-S junction current |
Conductance | m_gbs | Gbs, Bulk-Source conductance |
Current | m_cbd | Ibd, B-D junction current |
Conductance | m_gbd | Gbd, Bulk-Drain conductance |
Current | m_cdrain | Ids |
Conductance | m_gds | Gds, Drain-Source conductance |
Transconductance | m_gm | Gm, Transconductance |
Transconductance | m_gmbs | Gmbs, Bulk-Source transconductance |
Capacitance | m_capbsb | Cbsb |
Charge | m_chargebsb | Qbsb |
Capacitance | m_capbss | Cbss |
Charge | m_chargebss | Qbss |
Capacitance | m_capbdb | Cbdb |
Charge | m_chargebdb | Qbdb |
Capacitance | m_capbds | Cbds |
Charge | m_chargebds | Qbds |
Real | m_Beta | Beta |
Capacitance | m_capGSovl | Cgso, Gate-source overlap cap. |
Capacitance | m_capGDovl | Cgdo, Gate-drain overlap cap. |
Capacitance | m_capGBovl | Cgbo, Gate-bulk overlap cap. |
Capacitance | m_capOx | Cox |
Voltage | m_von | Von, Turn-on voltage |
Voltage | m_vdsat | Vdsat |
Integer | m_mode | Mode |
Length | m_lEff |   |
Resistance | m_sourceResistance | Rs |
Resistance | m_drainResistance | Rd |
Transconductance | m_tTransconductance |   |
Area_cmPerVoltageSecond | m_tSurfMob |   |
Voltage | m_tPhi |   |
Voltage | m_tVto |   |
CurrentDensity | m_tSatCurDens |   |
Current | m_tDrainSatCur |   |
Current | m_tSourceSatCur |   |
Capacitance | m_tCBDb |   |
Capacitance | m_tCBDs |   |
Capacitance | m_tCBSb |   |
Capacitance | m_tCBSs |   |
CapacitancePerArea | m_tCj |   |
Permittivity | m_tCjsw |   |
Voltage | m_tBulkPot |   |
Voltage | m_tDepCap |   |
Voltage | m_tVbi |   |
Voltage | m_VBScrit |   |
Voltage | m_VBDcrit |   |
Voltage | m_f1b |   |
Real | m_f2b |   |
Real | m_f3b |   |
Voltage | m_f1s |   |
Real | m_f2s |   |
Real | m_f3s |   |
Voltage | m_dVt |   |
Capacitance | m_capgd |   |
Capacitance | m_capgs |   |
Capacitance | m_capgb |   |
Charge | m_qgs |   |
Charge | m_qgd |   |
Charge | m_qgb |   |
This function mos1ModelLineParamsInitEquation does the initial precalculation of the MOSFET model line parameters for level 2.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions) and Modelica.Icons.ObsoleteModel
(Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).
Type | Name | Description |
Mos2ModelLineParams | in_p | Input record model line parameters for MOS2 |
SpiceConstants | in_C | Spice constants |
Integer | in_m_type | Type of MOS transistor |
Type | Name | Description |
Mos2ModelLineVariables | out_v | Output record with model line variables |
This function mos1ModelLineParamsInitEquation does the initial precalculation of the MOSFET model line parameters for level 2.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Mos2ModelLineParams | in_p | Input record model line parameters for MOS2 |
Integer | in_m_type | Type of MOS transistor |
Type | Name | Description |
Mos2ModelLineParams | out_p | Input record model line parameters for MOS2 |
This function drainCur calculates the main currents that flows from drain node to source node (level 2).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Voltage | vbs |   |
Voltage | vgs |   |
Voltage | vds |   |
Mosfet | in_m | Record MOSFET |
Mos2Calc | in_c | Input record Mos2Calc |
Mos2ModelLineParams | in_p | Input record model line parameters for MOS2 |
Integer | in_m_type | Type of MOS transistor |
Type | Name | Description |
Mos2Calc | out_c | Output record Mos2Calc |
This function drainCur calculates the main currents that flows from drain node to source node (level 2).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions) and Modelica.Icons.ObsoleteModel
(Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).
Type | Name | Description |
Voltage | vbs |   |
Voltage | vgs |   |
Voltage | vds |   |
Mosfet | in_m | Record MOSFET |
Mos2Calc | in_c | Input record Mos2Calc |
Mos2ModelLineParams | in_p | Input record model line parameters for MOS2 |
SpiceConstants | in_C | Spice constants |
Mos2ModelLineVariables | in_vp | Input record model line variables |
Integer | in_m_type | Type of MOS transistor |
Type | Name | Description |
Mos2Calc | out_c | Output record Mos2Calc |
This function mos2RenameParameters assigns the external (given by the user, e.g., RD) technology parameters to the internal parameters (e.g., m_drainResistance). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values (level 2).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
ModelcardMOS2 | ex | Modelcard with technology parameters |
Type | Name | Description |
Mos2ModelLineParams | intern | Output record model line parameters |
This function mos2RenameParameters assigns the external (given by the user, e.g., RD) technology parameters to the internal parameters (e.g., m_drainResistance). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values (level 2).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions) and Modelica.Icons.ObsoleteModel
(Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions).
Type | Name | Description |
ModelcardMOS2 | ex | Modelcard with technology parameters |
SpiceConstants | con | Spice constants |
Type | Name | Description |
Mos2ModelLineParams | intern | Output record model line parameters |
This function mos2RenameParameters assigns the external (given by the user) device parameters to the internal parameters. It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values (level 2).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
ModelcardMOS2 | ex |   |
Integer | mtype |   |
Length | W | Width of channel region |
Length | L | Length of channel region |
Area | AD | Area of drain diffusion |
Area | AS | Area of source diffusion |
Length | PD | Drain perimeter |
Length | PS | Source perimeter |
Real | NRD | Length of drain squares |
Real | NRS | Length of Source squares |
Integer | OFF | Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet |
Real | IC | Initial condition values, not implemented yet |
Temp_C | TEMP | Temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
Mosfet | dev | Output record Mosfet |