This package Diode contains functions and record with data of the semiconductor diode model.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.InternalPackage
(Icon for an internal package (indicating that the package should not be directly utilized by user)).
Name | Description |
CurrentsCapacitances | Diode variables |
DiodeCalc | Diode variables |
diodeCalcAdditionalValues | Calculation of additional values |
diodeCalcTempDependencies | Temperature dependency calculation |
diodeInitEquations | Initial calculation |
diodeModelLineInitEquations | Initial precalculation of model line parameters |
DiodeModelLineParams | Record for Diode model line parameters |
DiodeModelLineVariables | Record for Diode model line variables |
diodeNoBypassCode | Calculation of currents |
DiodeParams | Record for Diode device parameters |
diodeRenameParameters | Technology parameter renaming |
diodeRenameParametersDev | Temperature calculation |
diodeRenameParametersDevTemp | Temperature calculation |
DiodeVariables | Variables for the diode model |
This record contains the model line (also called model card) parameters that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Current | m_satCur | IS, Saturation current |
Resistance | m_resist | RS, Ohmic resistance |
Real | m_emissionCoeff | N, Emission Coefficient |
Time | m_transitTime | TT, Transit Time |
Capacitance | m_junctionCap | CJO, Junction capacitance |
Voltage | m_junctionPot | VJ, Junction potential |
LinearTemperatureCoefficient | m_gradingCoeff | M, Grading coefficient |
ActivationEnergy | m_activationEnergy | EG, Activation energy |
Real | m_saturationCurrentExp | XTI, Saturation current temperature exp. |
Real | m_depletionCapCoeff | FC, Forward bias junction fit parameter |
Voltage | m_breakdownVoltage | BV, Reverse breakdown voltage |
Real | m_pBvIsGiven | BV is given value |
Current | m_breakdownCurrent | IBV, Current at reverse breakdown voltage |
Temp_K | m_nomTemp | TNOM, Parameter measurement temperature |
Real | m_fNcoef | KF, flicker noise coefficient |
Real | m_fNexp | AF, flicker noise exponent |
Conductance | m_conductance | G, Ohmic conductance |
This record contains the model line (also called model card) variables that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | m_gradingCoeff |   |
Real | m_activationEnergy |   |
Real | m_depletionCapCoeff |   |
Conductance | m_conductance |   |
This record contains the device parameters that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | m_area | AREA, Area factor |
Boolean | m_bOff | OFF, Initially off |
Voltage | m_dIC | IC, Initial device voltage |
Real | m_pIcIsGiven | IC is given value |
Boolean | m_bSensArea | SENS_AREA, flag to request sensitivity WRT area |
This record contains the model variables that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Real | m_pBvIsGiven | Additional BV is given variable |
This record contains the model variables that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Voltage | m_tJctPot |   |
Capacitance | m_tJctCap |   |
Real | m_tF1 |   |
Real | m_f2 |   |
Real | m_f3 |   |
Current | m_tSatCur |   |
Voltage | m_tVcrit |   |
Real | m_dVte |   |
Voltage | m_tBrkdwnV |   |
This record contains the model variables that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record
(Icon for records).
Type | Name | Description |
Current | m_dCurrent |   |
Within this function some parameters are initially precalculated from model line parameters.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with diode model line parameters |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeModelLineVariables | out_v | Output record with diode model line variables |
In this function some initial calculations for the diode model are done, especially concerning the handling of the breakthrough voltage.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with diode model line parameters |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeVariables | out_v | Output record with diode variables |
In this function for the diode model temperature dependencies are calculated using temperature treating functions from the equation package.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record diode model line parameters |
DiodeParams | in_dp | Input record diode parameters |
Model | in_m | Input record Model |
DiodeVariables | in_v | Input record diode variables |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeCalc | out_c | Output record with calculated values |
This function NoBypassCode calculates the currents (and the capacitances) that are necessary for the currents to be used in the top-level model.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record model line parameters for diode |
DiodeParams | in_dp | Input record with parameters for diode |
DiodeCalc | in_c | Input record DiodeCalc |
Model | in_m | Input record model |
Boolean | in_m_mbInit |   |
Voltage | in_m_pVoltageValues[2] |   |
Type | Name | Description |
CurrentsCapacitances | out_cc | Output record with calculated currents and capacitances |
Capacitance | m_dCap | Output capacitance |
This function is prepared for additional calculations but it is plain (inputs are written to the outputs) in the actual version of this library.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeVariables | in_v | Input record with diode variables |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with diode model line parameters |
DiodeParams | in_dp | Input record with diode parameters |
Voltage | in_m_pVoltageValues[2] |   |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeVariables | out_v | Output record with diode variables |
This function assigns the external (given by the user, e.g., IS) technology parameters to the internal parameters (e.g., m_satCur). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
ModelcardDIODE | ex | Modelcard with technology parameters |
SpiceConstants | con | Spice constants |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | intern | Output record diode model line parameters |
This function assigns the external (given by the user, e.g., AREA) device parameters to the internal parameters (e.g., m_area). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Temp_K | TEMP | Temperature |
Real | AREA | Area factor |
Real | IC | Initial condition value (VD, not implemented yet |
Boolean | OFF | Optional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet |
Boolean | SENS_AREA | Flag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeParams | dev | Output record with calculated diode parameters |
This function calculates device parameters which are temperature dependent.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function
(Icon for functions).
Type | Name | Description |
Temp_C | TEMP | Temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
Model | dev_temp | Input record Model |