Block Format Keyword This law is a link to Multiscale Designer material law.

This material is not compatible with failure models, viscous model or thermal options. All damage and failure are defined inside of the material directly. This material is compatible with shell and any solid elements.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
/MAT/LAW200/mat_ID/unit_ID or /MAT/MDS/mat_ID/unit_ID
Fail_1 Fail_1_l Fail_1_u Fail_2 Fail_2_l Fail_2_u


Field Contents SI Unit Example
mat_ID Material identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

unit_ID Unit identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

mat_title Material title.

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

mds_material_file mdsMAT material file name.

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

FLAG Material option.
No option
Optional for the fiber orientation input

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

fiber_orientation_file The _mdsFiberOri.dat filename. Used only if FLAG=FIBER.

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

Fail_1 1st MDS Failure model identifier.


Fail_1_l Lower limit for the 1st Failure criteria.


Fail_1_u Upper limit for the 1st Failure criteria.


Fail_2 2nd MDS Failure model identifier.


Fail_2_l Lower limit for the 2nd Failure criteria.


Fail_2_u Upper limit for the 2nd Failure criteria.


Ifail Failure flag
=0 (Default)
Element deletion occurs when failure criteria 1 or 2 are reached.
Element deletion occurs when one of the failure criteria 1 and 2 is reached.


Example (MDS)

# title
material MDS
# Material File name
# Material Option
# Fiber orientation file name
#   Fail_1            Fail_1_l            Fail_1_u    Fail_2            Fail_2_l            Fail_2_u
         0                 0.0                 0.0         0                 0.0                 0.0
#    Ifail
# title
material MDS
# Material File name
# Material Option

# Fiber orientation file name

#   Fail_1            Fail_1_l            Fail_1_u    Fail_2            Fail_2_l            Fail_2_u
         0                 0.0                 0.0         0                 0.0                 0.0
#    Ifail


  1. This material law is a direct input to Radioss for the Multiscale Designer material law. Information about the contents of the different files is available in the Multiscale Designer Reference Guide.
  2. /MAT/LAW200 (MDS) is available to connect Radioss with Multiscale Designer to include a much wider range of different material models.
  3. Multiscale Designer is an efficient tool for development and simulation of multiscale material models of continuous, woven, and/or chopped fiber composites, honeycomb cores, reinforced concrete, soil, bones, and various other heterogeneous materials.
  4. Applications include multiscale material modeling for design, ultimate failure, statistical- based material allowances, fatigue, fracture, impact, crash, environmental degradation, and multiphysics simulations.
    • Developed multiscale material models using forward homogenization and inverse optimization technologies.
    • Built-in parametric unit cells for unidirectional, woven, chopped, and particulate fiber composites.
    • Simulate nonlinear material behavior including ultimate failure at the micro-scale.
    • Obtain virtual material allowances supported by test and perform fatigue analysis.
    • Efficient plug-ins to commercial FEA codes OptiStruct and Radioss.
  5. If the /MAT/LAW200 (MDS) entry is specified, Radioss will search for the Multiscale Designer installation within the same Mechanical Solvers installation from which the Radioss run is initiated. The MDSDIR I/O Options Entry can also be used to specify the Multiscale Designer installation location, if it was installed in a different location.