
Returns the value of certain HyperMesh window settings.


hm_winfo option


HyperMesh Tcl GUI Command


This command returns the value of certain HyperMesh window settings.


The option to query. Valid values are:
  • x - Window x location in pixels
  • y - y location in pixels of the upper left of the modeling window
  • width - Window width in pixels
  • height - Window height in pixels
  • graphicx - x location in pixels of the upper left of the modeling window
  • graphicy - y location in pixels of the upper left of the modeling window
  • graphicwidth - modeling window width in pixels
  • graphicheight - modeling window height in pixels
  • headlineheight - Headline area height in pixels
  • borderwidth - Window border width in pixels
  • menuheight - menu bar height (not including control card) in pixels
  • viewmatrix - Returns the coordinates and scaling of the display area. These values are the same as those used by *viewset.
  • entitycolors ?index? - If an index 1 through 64 is specified, returns a list of 3 RGB values for that color. If no index is specified, returns a list of RGB triplets for all colors.
  • color index - Returns the RGB color value for the specified widget index.


To get the width of the graphics area:

set w [ hm_winfo graphicwidth ]


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History


2023 - Deprecated option utilitywindow. Removed options hasfocus, isobscured, menucharheight, and menulines.