Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running applications in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
FE input readers are C programs that read information from ASCII or binary finite element models files into the HyperMesh database.
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Extensions are programs integrated with the application to enhance or extend the user experience.
Altair Binary Format (ABF) is the standard binary format read by the program. A library called abflib allows you to create files in ABF.
A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The Altair ASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format.
Batch mode allows you perform a series of operations outside the program interface.
External resources can be registered in preference files, session files, or Templex files. If an external resource is registered in a program session, it is automatically registered in the session file when the session is saved.
The Python API documentation for HyperMesh applications.
The application's scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
Translators are utilities that are run from the command line of the operating system to convert various types of files into different formats.
XML commands in the Result Math Module.
Record playback workflows in the application.
Use the Task Manager to load an XML file that defines tasks and their attributes.
These provide an overview of all additions, updates, and changes to the HyperMesh APIs for each release.
Details on the core data that can be queried and manipulated.
This API allows external applications to link HyperMesh as a library and provides a limited set of functions and structures to access specific functionality.
hmlib is a library which contains a set of routines to aid you in writing a C program.
hminlib is a set of routines which allows you to write an external input translator.
hmmodlib is a library of C routines which allows you to perform results translation of more complex data types, such as integration point results or node-on-element results.
Creates a valid system from three nodes and writes the information to HyperMesh.
Sends the systems stored in the buffer to HyperMesh.
Frees the memory associated with systems stored with HMIN_system_store().
Retrieves the first pointer to a system.
Retrieves the next pointer to a system.
Retrieves the pointer to a system.
Retrieves the number of stored systems.
Sets up a buffer to provide a work area for systems before transferring them to HyperMesh.
Writes a system to HyperMesh.
Transforms a system based on angles.
Creates a system at a node.
Defines an entity in another system after you have read in and transformed the entity in HyperMesh.
Sets the output system ID for an entity after you have read in and transformed the entity in HyperMesh.
Writes a system, accessed by a pointer to the system, to HyperMesh.
Writes construction axis and plane data for node-based system.
Writes data for node dependency to a system.
The list of deprecated hminlib functions, and the new functions to use.
The list of undocumented hminlib functions.
Details on the HMASCII format and associated commands.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
Solver templates are ASCII data files containing HyperMesh Template Language Commands and HyperMesh Template Language Functions.
The Script and Model Library is a database of freely accessible scripts and models posted by users and Altair engineers.
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