- *begincardmenu()
Indicates the beginning of the Control Cards list.
- *beginmenu()
Indicates the beginning of the description used for the card previewer.
- *beginrepeat()
Repeats execution of a block of code a specified number of times.
- *beginrepeat2d()
Repeats execution of a block of code a specified number of times.
- *cardmenuitem()
Specifies the name and tag attribute for a Control Card.
- *endcardmenu()
Indicates the end of the Control Cards list.
- *endmenu()
Indicates the ending of the description used for the card previewer.
- *endrepeat()
Terminates the code block to be executed by *beginrepeat().
- *endrepeat2d()
Terminates the code block to be executed by *beginrepeat2d().
- *enumeration()
Creates an enumeration.
- *globaldefaults()
Used to specify that each real, integer, and string attribute is modified as per the *menudefaultvalue().
- *menuattributecreate()
Initializes an attribute to a specified value upon creation of an entity.
- *menuattributeset()
Sets the value of attribute.
- *menucase()
The *menucase() command specifies a block of card image template commands that are executed when an attribute has the value matching the *menucase() command.
- *menucounterset()
Sets the value of the local counter.
- *menudefaultvalue()
Modifies an attribute field so that it has an on/off status.
- *menuelse()
Used to define the false block of a *menuif() statement.
- *menuendif()
Used to define the end of an *menuif() block.
- *menuentitysubtype()
Modifies an attribute field so that the contents of the selection must be of the specified entity type in the HyperMesh database.
- *menuentitytype()
Modifies an attribute field so that the selection must be an ID of an entity of a specified type in the HyperMesh database.
- *menuenum()
Modifies an attribute field so that its value is displayed as and restricted to an enumeration's values.
- *menufield()
Places a formatted value from the database into the card image.
- *menuif()
Used to conditionally execute branches in the card image.
- *menuinitialarrayvalue()
Sets the initial values of an attribute.
- *menuinitialvalue()
Sets the initial value of an attribute if the attribute does not currently exist on the entity.
- *menulegalvalue()
Modifies an attribute field so that a selection must be made from a list.
- *menulineend()
Ends the current line in the card image.
- *menuoption()
Specifies that the value of an attribute can only be 0 or 1.
- *menuoptionend()
Terminates a *menuoption() or *menuoptionenum() command.
- *menuoptionenum()
Specifies that the value of an attribute is defined by a previously defined *enumeration() command.
- *menupointerset()
Sets the initial value of a pointer.
- *menurestrictedvalue()
Modifies an attribute field so that it alerts you when a value is outside of a specified range.
- *menustring()
Displays a string in the card image.
- *menuvariableset()
Sets a variable to a specific value.
- *nomenu()
Specifies that the card image definition is in a following block.
- *repeatcounter()
Specifies a counter to store the current repeat value for a *beginrepeat() or *beginrepeat2d() command.
- *repeatwrap()
Sets the right margin so that no field goes beyond in a *beginrepeat()/*endrepeat() block.
- Undocumented Card Previewer Commands
The list of undocumented card previewer commands.