Create Channels

Create or import channels (load histories).

Load history headers cannot be renamed. Blocks of the load history file can be renamed.

Add Time Data Loads

Time data loads are available for the Time Series loading type.
  1. Click the Load Map tool.
    Figure 1.

    The Load Map dialog opens.
  2. Select Time Data from the Channel Type drop-down menu in the top-left of the dialog.
  3. In the Choose file field, click and browse for files.
    Accepted file formats are: .rpc/.rsp, .csv, and .dac
  4. Click to add the load case(s).
  5. Optional: Edit the maximum and minimum values of the loads.
  6. Optional: Click to view a plot of the load.
    Figure 2.

Add Constant Amplitude Loads

Constant amplitude loads are available for the Time Series loading type.
  1. Click the Load Map tool.
    Figure 3.

    The Load Map dialog opens.
  2. Select Constant Amplitude from the Channel Type drop-down menu in the top-left of the dialog.
  3. Click to add the load case.
    Tip: Click in the Channel Name field to rename the load case.
  4. Optional: Edit the maximum and minimum values of the load.
  5. Optional: Click to view a plot of the load.
    Figure 4.

Add Block Loads

Create a block series of various amplitudes. Each block can have "n" number of cycles.
Block loads are available for the Time Series loading type.
Figure 5. Sample CSV Format

  1. Click the Load Map tool.
    Figure 6.

    The Load Map dialog opens.
  2. Select Block Loading from the Channel Type drop-down menu in the top-left of the dialog.
  3. Click .
    The Block Load dialog opens.
  4. Specify a name for the block load.
    Tip: Click in the Channel Name field to rename the load case.
  5. Specify the number of blocks to create then .
  6. Edit the values for Max Amplitude, Min Amplitude, and Cycles.
    Different blocks come together to make a block sequence, which is used for the damage calculation.
  7. Click Create.
    Figure 7.

  • Use the and icons to import and export block load .csv files.
  • Select a block and click to delete it.
  • To exclude a block from the load, disable its checkbox.