
These files are required for results visualization. Deletion of any individual file or group of files may render the output database unreadable. If you want to view results after files are deleted, they will need to be recreated by running AcuSolve again.
A command line tool called AcuCleanDir is also available for managing the field output files in ACUSIM.DIR. Using this tool, it is possible to delete selective output types, steps, or an entire run.
Note: This tool does not operate on time series data, only nodal data.

To use AcuCleanDir:

  1. Open an AcuSolve Cmd Prompt from the Windows Start menu by clicking Start > Altair <version> > AcuSolve Cmd Prompt.
  2. Change to the directory where your problem is saved.
  3. Execute the acuCleanDir command with appropriate options.
    • To delete run 2 of a problem named "channel":
      acuCleanDir -pb channel -run 2 -delrun
    • To delete all but the last time step of each result type:
      acuCleanDir -pb channel -run 2 -ts abl

      where abl is a string that means "all but last".

    • To delete nodal output and nodal residual outputs from time steps between the first and last available:
      acuCleanDir -pb channel -run 2 -ts F:L:2 -types out,onr
      where the options for -types are:
      out NODAL_OUTPUT
      oae ERROR_ESTIMATOR_OUTPUT - time averaged
      A command line tool called acuCpProbeFiles can be used to summarize the results of a given AcuSolve simulation. Executing the script will copy the pertinent files from ACUSIM.DIR and the .log file into a directory specified by the command line argument –tdir (default is PROBE.DIR). The PROBE.DIR directory can be used by itself to interrogate results with AcuProbe.
      Note: Nodal output is not stored within PROBE.DIR.
      acuCpProbeFiles -pb channel -run 1 –tdir PROBE.DIR