Return a user global vector.
vec = udfGetGlobalVector( udfHd, name, nDims ) ;
AcuSolve User-Defined Function Global
- udfHd
- The opaque handle (pointer) which was passed to the user function.
- name (char*)
- Pointer to name of the global vector.
- nDims (integer)
- Dimension.
Return Value
- vec (real)
- Pointer to the global vector.
This routine returns a pointer to a named user global vector. For example, the user_function
usrMotionRigidBody() computes and stores a motion vector in the global vector named
"motion". For
type = user_function
user_function = "usrMotionRigidBody"
where usrMotionRigidBody() has the
Void usrMotionRigidBody( UdfHd udfHd,
Real* outVec,
Integer nItems,
Integer vecDim )
Real xDisp ; /* displacement in x */
Real yDisp ; /* displacement in y */
Real zRot ; /* rotation in z */
/* Calculate displacements and rotation */
/* Store displacements and rotation in user global vector */
vec = udfGetGlobalVector(udfHd, "motion", 3 ) ;
vec[0] = xDisp ;
vec[1] = yDsip ;
vec[2] = zRot ;
The motion vector can be retrieved and used in a nodal boundary condition as
type = user_function
user_function = "usrMotionNBC"
user_values = { 1, 0.00150704, 0., -1., 3., .2, -2., 2., .2, .2 }
nodes = Read( "MESH.DIR/all_nodes.nbc" )
variable = mesh_x_displacement
where the user-defined function usrMotionNBC may be implemented
Void usrMotionNBC( UdfHd udfHd, /* opaque handle for accessing information */
Real* outVec, /* output vector */
Integer nItems, /* No. of items in outVec (=nNodes here) */
Integer vecDim ) /* vector dimension of outVec (=1 here) */
Integer dir ; /* direction being computed */
Integer i ; /* a running index */
Real* crd ; /* nodal coordinates */
Real ct ; /* cos( zRot ) - 1 */
Real dx ; /* change in x */
Real dy ; /* change in y */
Real r ; /* distance to CM */
Real rWidth ; /* r width */
Real st ; /* sin( zRot ) */
Real* usrVals ; /* user supplied values */
Real* vec ; /* computed motion */
Real xDisp ; /* displacement in x */
Real xMax ; /* max x location */
Real xMin ; /* min x location */
Real xOrg ; /* center of mass */
Real xs ; /* x scale factor */
Real xWidth ; /* x width */
Real x ; /* x location of the point */
Real yDisp ; /* displacement in y */
Real yMax ; /* max y location */
Real yMin ; /* min y location */
Real yOrg ; /* center of mass */
Real ys ; /* y scale factor */
Real yWidth ; /* y width */
Real y ; /* y location of the point */
Real zRot ; /* rotation in z */
/* Get the user data. Expected format:
* user_values =
* { <direction>, <xOrg>, <yOrg>, <xMin>, <xMax>, <xWidth>,
* <yMin>, <yMax>, <yWidth>, <rWidth> }
udfCheckNumUsrVals( udfHd, 10 ) ;
usrVals = udfGetUsrVals( udfHd ) ;
dir = (Integer) usrVals[0] ;
xOrg = usrVals[1] ;
yOrg = usrVals[2] ;
xMin = usrVals[3] ;
xMax = usrVals[4] ;
xWidth = usrVals[5] ;
yMin = usrVals[6] ;
yMax = usrVals[7] ;
yWidth = usrVals[8] ;
rWidth = usrVals[9] ;
/* Get the motion */
vec = udfGetGlobalVector( udfHd, "motion", 3 ) ;
xDisp = vec[0] ;
yDisp = vec[1] ;
zRot = vec[2] ;
/* Get the coordinates */
crd = udfGetNbcRefCrd( udfHd ) ;
/* Compute the motion */
for ( i = 0 ; i < nItems ; i++ ) {
x = crd[0*nItems+i] - xOrg ;
y = crd[1*nItems+i] - yOrg ;
xs = 1 ;
ys = 1 ;
r = sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / rWidth ;
r = max( 1, r ) ;
r = pow( r, 0.7 ) ;
if ( x > +xWidth ) { xs = 1 - (x - xWidth) / (xMax - xWidth) ; }
if ( x < -xWidth ) { xs = 1 - (x + xWidth) / (xMin + xWidth) ; }
if ( y > +yWidth ) { ys = 1 - (y - yWidth) / (yMax - yWidth) ; }
if ( y < -yWidth ) { ys = 1 - (y + yWidth) / (yMin + yWidth) ; }
ct = cos( zRot / r ) ;
st = sin( zRot / r ) ;
dx = xs * ( xDisp + ct * x - st * y - x ) ;
dy = ys * ( yDisp + st * x + ct * y - y ) ;
if ( dir == 1 ) {
outVec[i] = dx ;
} else {
outVec[i] = dy ;
} /* end of usrMotionNBC() */
This routine expects a valid udfHd.