Specifies the finite mass model parameters.
The FINITE_MASS command specifies the forces acting on the particles and
the default particle/wall interaction.
The forces acting on a particle in AcuTrace are
is the drag force,
the pressure force,
the viscous stress force,
the virtual mass force, and
the gravity force. (The Basset force and other forces such as the
Saffman lift force are not currently accounted for.) The parameters
virtual_mass_force, and
constant_gravity determine which of these are active; by default, all
forces are active.
Note: The default value of constant_gravity is the zero
vector; this should be set to the same value used in the AcuSolve
run providing the flow data for the trace.
The drag and the virtual mass forces can include Faxen correction terms accounting for
nonuniformity effects. The inclusion of these terms is controlled by the parameters
faxen_drag_force and faxen_virtual_mass. These terms
are included by default. Generally, none of the force-related parameters need to be modified
with the exception of constant_gravity.
By default (drag_law_type is standard and
drag_coefficient_model is standard) the drag force
(without the Faxen correction) is
is the density of the fluid and
the diameter of the particle. The value of
the coefficient of drag, depends on the relative Reynolds number,
is the material viscosity of the fluid:
When drag_law_type is standard and
drag_coefficient_model is constant,
is equal to the value of drag_coefficient
regardless of the value of Re. When drag_law_type is
) regardless of the value of Re. When
drag_law_type is simple_stokes,
is equal to the value of drag_coefficient.
When drag_law_type is zero,
is the zero vector.
The other forces are
is the volume of the particle
the fluid pressure,
the viscous stress tensor of the fluid, and
the material derivative of the fluid velocity.
is given by the value of constant_gravity. If
pressure_force, tau_force, or
virtual_mass_force are off,
, or
respectively, are set to 0. Similarly, if
faxen_drag_force or faxen_virtual_mass_force are
off, the corresponding Faxen correction is set to 0.
The calculation of the drag and the virtual mass forces requires values for the fluid density
and, in the case of drag, material viscosity. It is highly recommended that these values be
obtained from the
AcuSolve database, for
density_model = use_flow_values
viscosity_model = use_flow_values
However, these values are in the
AcuSolve database only if derived
quantity output is enabled in
AcuSolve. This output is enabled only
if the
output_frequency parameter in the
DERIVED_QUANTITY_OUTPUT command has a non-zero value, for
output_frequency = 1000
Moreover, if
density_model =
use_flow_values or
viscosity_model =
AcuTrace requires that the
output_frequency parameters
in the
same value, for
output_frequency = 1000
output_frequency = 1000
AcuTrace is run with
density_model or
viscosity_model equal to
use_flow_values and derived
quantity output was not enabled in the
AcuSolve run,
AcuTrace will print an error message and stop.
AcuTrace will also stop if
density_model or
viscosity_model equals
use_flow_values and there is a
mismatch in the values of
output_frequency in
AcuSolve. In either of these cases, the two options are either to rerun
AcuSolve with the proper inputs or to
density_model = constant
viscosity_model = constant
and suitable values of constant_density and
The default particle-wall boundary conditions and interaction parameters are also set by the
FINITE_MASS command. Only the interactions at surfaces of type
wall, slip, or symmetry are affected by the
FINITE_MASS command. Moreover, the settings for a specific surface can be
set in a FINITE_MASS_BOUNDARY_CONDITION command, in which case all the
settings in the FINITE_MASS command, including default vales, are ignored for
that surface.
AcuTrace allows three different types of interaction when a particle
hits a wall (here "wall" refers to a surface of type
slip, or
- the particle reflects off the wall (wall_type =
- the particle stops but continues to be actively involved in the particle trace
(wall_type = stop)
- the particle trace terminates (wall_type =
When a particle reflects off a wall, the normal and tangential components of its velocity
(in the wall frame of reference) are given by
are the normal and tangential coefficients of restitution, and
are the incident values of the normal and tangential components of
the particle velocity.
always lie between 0 and 1.
Each coefficient can be specified as a constant, a piecewise linear function of the magnitude
of the incident normal velocity, or a cubic spline function of the magnitude of the incident
normal velocity.
Note: AcuTrace clips the values of the coefficients
so that they lie between 0 and 1.
In the first example below, the normal and tangential coefficients of restitution have
constant values of
wall_en_type = constant
wall_et_type = constant
wall_en = 1.0
wall_et = 1.0
In the next example, the normal and tangential coefficients of restitution have values of .1,
.5, and .9 for incident normal velocity magnitudes of 1, 10, and 100, respectively. Linear
interpolation is used for velocity magnitudes between 1 and 100; constant extrapolation is used
for magnitudes less than 1 or greater than
wall_en_type = piecewise_linear
wall_et_type = piecewise_linear
en_values = { 1.0, 0.1 ;
10.0, 0.5 ;
100.0, 1.0 }
et_values = { 1.0, 0.1 ;
10.0, 0.5 ;
100.0, 1.0 }
wall_en_type = cubic_spline
wall_et_type = cubic_spline
cubic spline interpolants are used for velocity magnitudes between 1 and 100.